History will show MDs and modern medicine are those doing the most damage. Chiropractic care has been around since late 1800s with virtually zero malpractice suit.
Chiropractic - A Superior Alternative for Proactive Healthcare
I had been described as a type A personality, until 2004 when I started seeing a chiropractor. By far the best thing I’ve ever done for my health.
1) The brain, spine and nervous system form in the first 7 hours after conception.
2) There are three 63 degree opposing arches in a healthy spine when viewed from the side.
3) Subluxations in the spine [ vertabrae out of alignment ] are often the root cause of many health problems and several signs of aging.
4) Approx 80% of all babies are born with spinal subluxations AND it only gets worse as we age. The stress and trauma of child-birth can cause subluxations for both mother and child.
5) The 3T’s of subluxation are traumas, toxins and thoughts. Most everyday stress is caused by internal factors, while traumas are normally the primary cause. Ongoing and persistent health problems often occur due to subluxations.
6) Most subluxations occur in the top 7 cervical vertabrae with the average human head weighing about the same as a bowling ball. Ever tried carrying a bowling ball around all day, not with your wrist underneath but with the ball 2-3 inches in front of your wrist? That’s what it’s like for your back with a forward-leaning posture (head in front of your shoulders when viewed from the side) and resulting in everyday stress.
7) The news media popularized the term ‘quacks’ when a chiropractor brought a lawsuit (Taylor vs AMA in 1971) against the American Medical Assn. Unfortunately, the MSM with it’s stranglehold on information convinced the general population that chiropractors are ‘quacks’ in spite of Taylor winning the lawsuit!
After just my 1st adjustment the stress-relief alone confirmed I needed this all of my life. I highly recommend the book “Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul” by Jack Canfield, but you’ll probably need to buy online. Virtually no bookstore nor library I’ve encountered stocks it. It has many case studies that witness to the life-changing power of this procedure. Chiropractors follow the hipocratic oath of “First do no harm.”
Chiropractic was founded by a quack who claimed he could treat stomach cancer with spinal adjustments. So far, no cure
Chiropractic was founded by a quack who claimed he could treat stomach cancer with spinal adjustments. So far, no cure
It isn’t worth it, apparently, to discuss the issue with some people who will carry that ignorance to their death bed and have their fingers jammed into their ears.
Power to him/her/it.