Was interviewing potential legal assistants 5 years ago. Every one of the Gen Z’ers used the “I’m a sponge” line - as in “I soak up all the learning you can give”. The problem is, none of them could wring out the learning from the sponge. One of them had a letter of recommendation from a professor saying what a hard worker she was. Notsomuch...
Was interviewing potential legal assistants 5 years ago. Every one of the Gen Z’ers used the “I’m a sponge” line - as in “I soak up all the learning you can give”. The problem is, none of them could wring out the learning from the sponge. One of them had a letter of recommendation from a professor saying what a hard worker she was. Notsomuch...’”
Legal assistants HAVE to be a sponge. The job is not just repetitive tasks since every new case is so different. They also have to be willing to work late when a big trial is coming up, know to keep their mouth shut and not to discuss cases or clients with others, and be a bit of a counselor when the sobbing or irate client is upset with the progress of a case. A resume is not always a good indication of the best candidate.