Posted on 12/29/2023 11:43:47 AM PST by DallasBiff
polio vaccine, preparation of poliovirus given to prevent polio, an infectious disease of the nervous system. The first polio vaccine to be widely used in humans, known as inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) or Salk vaccine, was developed in the early 1950s by American physician Jonas Salk. This vaccine contains killed virus and is given by injection.
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Polio has been basically eliminated worldwide, due to Dr. Jonas Salk's vaccine.
looking back in history, I can't stand FDR's policies, and my mother who grew up in the 30's, they were deathly afraid of polio.
Are vaccines even vaccines anymore ?
I had the sugar cube polio vax. I think it was in 3 doses.
Still have a tiny scar from the smallpox vax. Everyone had them back then.
I had both the injection and the sugar cube vaccine back in the late 50’s early 60’s
I was born in 1947, the youngest of my three siblings. We all got the polio vaccines in the 50’s. If I remember correctly, there were a series of three shots when we got them. I remember that specifically, because each time we got a shot, your arm ached terribly for several hours, and we dreaded having to go back again. It was an intra-muscular shot, and your arm would feel very heavy, and it was difficult and painful to lift it until the effect wore off.
My mom and her brother had polio. It kept him out of WWII.
Some diseases are serious enough taht vaccinations are necessary.
However, medical science has come a long way in the treatment of diseases that could greatly lessen the consequences of them. They didn’t have antibiotics and antivirals way back in the 30’s and didn’t know about the anti-inflammatory steroids.
No longer, by definition...
Yep. But probably not for much longer unless the truth about mRNA becomes widespread and payback is taken.
They are working to convert all vaxes to mRNA jabs. Flu is going to happen in the next year or two.
I don't trust them to tell us the truth about whether future shots are real vaxes or mRNA poison. So, nothing for me again.....ever. I'm 72, so eff them, I'm not gonna be around that much longer anyway. Hell, I don't assume they are telling us the truth about any drugs or health related matters. Everything is a political agenda with the CDC, FDA and all the alphabet agencies.
I was told that it would be cheaper to take care of all polio victims than to give everyone the shot.
So is it mandatory?
I remember in 1965, we lined up in the hallway at school for our vaccinations. I had no idea what it was for. Ha Ha.
I guess it must have been polio and small pox. I had the mumps and measles by that time.
Can you imagine that happening today? People would freak out.
I remember in 1965, we lined up in the hallway at school for our vaccinations. I had no idea what it was for. Ha Ha.
Another scamdemic for which they knew the treatment yet it was withheld and the disease redefined multiple times to reap more profits. It’s a good thing to study and know history. Reminds me of SARS- a syndrome isn’t a disease, it’s presenting symptoms which could be from multiple factors and gives more ways to make a profit. Don’t buy into the rewriting of history and their lies.
The first Salk polio vaccine was a killer. Dr. Alton Ochsner of New Orleans gave his grandchild a fatal shot of it while trying to promote the deadly vaccine in a live TV broadcast. At least the child didn’t die on-air - it took 11 days for the vaccine to “work”. His granddaughter did better- she survived, but she did get polio.
So while Salk is praised as a saint today, let’s not forget the dead bodies that his reputation was built on.
I never scarred.
I have read that smallpox was almost eradicated prior to ‘vax’
I still have a round scar on my arm.
Pretty sure I should sue for reparations as apparently I have been scarred for life
How to spot a cougar at the bar: the vaccine that left a scar
I remember as a kid adults pointing out stagnant water as “polio water” and warning us to stay out of it.
As far as I know “They” have yet to Isolate a sample of Covid-19.
So what have “They” got to match their tests to?
Or did “They” just rebrand the common cold and annual flu (both corona viruses) as Covid-19 for feudatory financial reasons.
Read “Dr. Mary’s Monkey”.
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