Posted on 12/24/2023 4:13:41 AM PST by cutty
“and women were persecuted”
Raising children in the home is persecution?
Pictures at the link. Aria looks Not Guilty to me.
Only to feminists.
An acre is much nicer than a quarter acre.
Five acres is about the minimum for a self-sustaining farm.
requires a log in to read
She is dressing like in the pioneer days, not like in the forties. The forties wore midi length and stylish shoes.
Nonetheless, this trad wife thing is no different than stay at home mom. I did that. Stopped practicing law and stayed home with my kids. Loved it. Wouldn’t trade it. Baked. House was kept up. Cooked dinner every night.
She’s not hideous.
I married an Anglo-Tyrolean (Anglo-Italian?) girl to whom food is love and children are her life (now grandchildren). She stayed at home and raised our four children, for which they and myself are eternally grateful. BTW, why didn’t women want to compete with men in the workplace when it involved scratching the walls of a coal mine 14 hours a day, six days a week?
If the household income allows for one of the two spouses to be “at home” that’s great.Particularly if it’s the wife who’s at home...raising the kids,keeping the house running. Both the breadwinner’s contribution *and* the wife’s are important. Vitally important.
And you probably were pregnant and had a couple kids to care pampers so that means diapers to wash because birth control was not good. And no TV so nothing to do at night but make love.
Whatever floats her long as no one else is hurt.
Just three generations ago, everyone worked harder to simply exist.
My Grandfather was a trapper, hunter, and farmer. The farm used horsepower to do the heavy work, but wood for the stove to keep the farm house warm in winter was cut by hand from a mile away, then hauled to the farm by horses, then cut by hand and split by hand to fit the stove in the house.
Water was pumped by hand.
There was no indoor plumbing.
My father grew up on that farm. He learned trapping and hunting from his father.
He got his first tractor in 1949.
In 1800, 83% of people were farmers. In 1860, 53% were farmers. In 1900, about 40% were farmers.
When I was young, which was admittedly quite a while ago, feminism was about equality of opportunity, not outcome.
Modern feminists are nothing more than Deep State handmaidens.
I should have specified, Modern Day Feminists. The kind Rush used to rail against.
Choices. Good post. Thanks.
the only ones hurt are those that look at her lifestyle through the jaded eyes of the modern feminist and laugh at it on the outside...but on the deep inside of their very being they cry for the traditional roll of a natural woman that was ingrained by The Creator of the Soul and can never quite shake the deepseated feeling of having one’s ladder leaning against the wrong wall. I could be wrong.
I’m a feminist.
And a trad wife.
Contrary to what Deep State would like to have women believe, you can be both. :-)
I’m old enough to remember when everyone’s mom stayed at home. Growing up in the 60s (before taxes put all women to work), moms were home and your original (almost no divorce or illegitimacy) dad brought home the bacon.
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