What If Cancer Theory Was Upside-Down?
COVID-vaccine-induced cancers demonstrate cancer genesis isn’t necessarily a long inexplicable number of mutations, it’s contamination-induced. Data suggests 1 in 225 shots could trigger cancer.
Naturopaths and holistic doctors have been saying this for two centuries. Modern Western cancer theory is upside down on purpose. They know better, but there’s no money in a natural approach.
It’s more than “data suggests.” It’s in the books. The clotshots damage natural immunities that might normally suppress naturally present cancers. Dr. Ryan Cole, independent pathologist in Boise, ID. has published that cancers are occurring in clotshotters at 20 times the traditional rate. Doc Cole is in exactly the right position to see this stuff coming and going. As a pathologist he doesn’t see the patients——just the lab samples for testing.