I watched the video. Three dogs playing in the yard and one approaches and then runs away and a second decides to play along. It gets shot as a result. Its a dog, and the a$$ cop that shot it isnt even a bit sorry. He should not have even had his gun out.
He should not be allowed to wear a badge.
You picked the wrong story to make 5 posts about your dislike of the police. The “broader” point should be that as we see time and time again the media lies to us and this is an example of how many people reflexively believe their crap. Fortunately you seem to now accept that it was not a tail wagging cute golden retriever puppy that was shot. No doubt this is a tragic for the family that lost one of their 5 dogs. Not sure if dog owner herself was the person that the police officer witnessed bleeding (presumably from a dog bite) but you can definitely see from the video she was trying her hardest to restrain the dog and it finally wrestled away from her and charged the officer. Hard to claim the dog was just looking to play. You mistakenly believed the media and I will give the benefit of the doubt to law enforcement.