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Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine to MAGA, Biden wants to continue it to MRMA (Make Russia Marxist Again).INVERSION OF ROLES: After taking control of America, Marxists are using the power of the White House to spread Marxism around the World
Conservative Papers ^ | 6/24/2023 | EZEQUIEL DOINY

Posted on 06/25/2023 4:04:46 PM PDT by Ezequiel Doiny

Trump's MAGA vs Biden's MRMA (Make Russia Marxist Again). Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine to MAGA, Biden wants to continue it to MRMA. INVERSION OF ROLES: After taking control of America, Marxists are using the power of the White House to spread Marxism around the World. Biden is using Ukraine as an excuse to remove Putin and return Marxism to Russia

By Ezequiel Doiny

Important background information:

Please read my article below about the Marxist takeover of America:


"Night falls in America: STALINISM in Biden's America. Persecution of Kulaks (white middle class small businesses), brainwashing in schools, Political repressions through widespread intimidation, arrests, and imprisonment"


"Instead of stopping the Iranian nuclear program the Biden regime is using the power of the White House to promote socialist dictatorships and subvert democracy in Brazil, Venezuela and Israel"

Biden is also using Ukraine as an excuse to remove Putin and return Marxism to Russia.

There is an INVERSION OF ROLES: After taking control of America, Marxists are using the power of the White House to spread Marxism around the World.

Trump's MAGA vs Biden's MRMA (Make Russia Marxist Again). Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine to MAGA, Biden wants to continue it to MRMA.

The Russian takeover of the Donbass does not threaten the rest of the World, but Iranian nuclear weapons would threaten Israel's existence (and also the existence of other countries in the region). The Biden regime proudly finances Ukranian attacks against Russia, why is bombing Iranian nuclear installation "war mongering" but war against Russia is not?

Part 1: Ukraine

Here are 5 posts from the last few days that give some context about the situation in Ukraine:

1. On October 5, 2022 Jim Hoft reported in the Gateway Pundit "On Monday Elon Musk posted a tweet urging a de-escalation in the Russian War on Ukraine. Musk fears any escalation would cause great harm to not only Ukraine but the world...In response to Musk’s question Ukrainian Prime Minister Zelensky posted his own poll suggesting Elon Musk is pro-Russia because he wants peace in the region."

The Russian takeover of the Donbass does not threaten the rest of the World, but Iranian nuclear weapons would threaten Israel's existence (and also the existence of other countries in the region). The Biden regime proudly finances Ukranian attacks against Russia, why is bombing Iranian nuclear installation "war mongering" but war against Russia is not?

2. On October 8, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported "Ukraine poked the Russian bear today by blowing up the Kerch Bridge from Russia to Crimea. According to Russian news agency Tass, an explosion occurred in early Saturday morning on one of Putin’s prestige projects and Europe’s longest bridge, which connects Russia and Crimea."

3. On October 4, 2022 the NY Post reported "A Columbia University professor has accused the US of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea, prompting television hosts to pull the plug on his TV interview. Speaking with Bloomberg, Professor Jeffrey Sachs floated the idea the pipeline, which has been at the center of a global “whodunit” saga in recent weeks, was struck by the US — not Vladimir Putin’s forces — as a means of doing damage to Russia beyond economic sanctions. The Nord Stream pipelines deliver natural gas directly from Russia to Germany and are essential to keeping the lights on across swaths of Europe."

4. On October 2, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported "Former adviser to the Defense secretary Doug MacGregor weighed in on what will happen if Ukraine joins NATO, as well as who was behind the destruction of the pipelines in Europe. After sharing that what Senator Graham and Joe Biden shared on Russia and the pipelines that were sabotaged, Col. Douglas MacGregor shared the following: The destruction of the pipeline was clearly not executed by Russia. No one believes that. In fact the Germam population is being polled and overwhelmingly is opposed to the notion of any war with Russia and dismisses out of hand the notion that the Russians are responsible for the pipeline. MacGregor mentioned three things that appear clear: Putin has decided that no one in Washington will negotiate with him and he knows that Washington is ultimately in control. As a result, Putin will escalate actions in Ukraine. MacGregor mentioned that Russia has always been outnumbered in Ukraine since the war began and this may soon change. He may settle this dispute in Ukraine on terms that we may not like. But other than Poland no one is interested in going to war with Russia. If we persist on this design, we will see NATO dissolve and fragment… …No one wants to go to war with Russia, other than the Poles and a few people in Washington D.C."

5. On May 5, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported "The Biden regime is going to get us all killed. US intelligence, under the direction of Joe Biden’s handlers, helped Ukraine sink the Russian flagship, the Moskva, in the Black Sea . Then they leaked the news to The New York Times and NBC News who gladly reported the news. NBC News reported on the US intelligence behind the sinking of the Moskva."

6. The Last Refuge posted a short interview with Lara Logan in which she gives "a brutally Honest Assessment of Ukraine and US Politics"

7. On March 21, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported "Joe Biden on Monday joined the Business Roundtable’s CEO quarterly meeting to discuss the United States’ response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine...Then Joey said the quiet part out loud and blurted out Klaus Schwab’s plan. “There’s going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it,” Biden said disclosing information he received from a top military official in a “secure meeting.”

The Globalists do not want to let the conflict in Ukraine end quickly, it is part of their strategy to "drag this on" as much as possible despite the destruction of Ukraine and suffering of the Ukrainian people.

The war in Ukraine is just another step towards Klaus Schwab's "New Word Order". Zelensky is defending the interests of the Globalists, not the Ukrainians'.

It seems the war in Ukraine is just another step towards Klaus Schwab's "New Word Order". The video below shows an interview in fox News in which retired US Colonel Douglas Macgregor affirms that Zelensky" is not a hero but a puppet" who "is putting huge chunks of his population at unnecessary risk" and who "is being told to hang on and to drag this out which is tragic for the people who have to live through this". (PLEASE SEE THE VIDEO BELOW).

"Appearing on Fox Business with Stuart Varney (Friday, 3/4/22), retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor provides a different take on the current situation in Ukraine; a perspective that takes a more pragmatic and realistic view of the situation. Putin appears to be successfully working through a methodical plan and strategy, despite western media trying to frame the great Ukrainian resistance effort. As noted by Macgregor, there’s nothing heroic about Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy sticking to the pro-NATO position within the Ukraine Russia conflict. A more pragmatic approach would be for Ukraine to declare itself neutral in the geopolitical contest between NATO and Russia thereby diffusing the issue that motivates the conflict. WATCH..."

J.D. Rucker wrote "Volodymyr Zelensky has been documented as a puppet of George Soros. He has worked closely over the years with Klaus Schwab, a graduate of his school of thought with the likes of Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau. Those two blaring klaxons alone should make you question the mainstream narrative that this charismatic and defiant leader is operating from an agenda that benefits his people or the world. He is a pawn who has been set up as a messiah. There's only one Messiah, and Zelenksy isn't Him."

Colonel Mcgregor says Zelensky is a puppet who is being told "to hang on and to drag this out". Why?

1. The Ukrainian war is being exploited to promote the World Economic Forum “Build Back Better”. On March 13, 2022 the Conservative Tree House reported "We could all see this coming. The Ukraine-Russia conflict creates the opportunity for the Build Back Better initiatives to get triggered. None of this is happening organically. All of this is opportunism based on a series of dominos purposefully triggered. Three government solutions to rising oil prices surface simultaneously in an effort to exploit the crisis they created. Keep in mind, this economic roadmap was strategically outlined in the World Economic Forum “Build Back Better” initiative, and that was built upon the economic ‘climate change‘ opportunity that COVID-19 created. The U.S. version of BBB was called the Green New Deal. First, Biden proposes to trigger a useful “Climate Change Emergency” (LINK). Second, the International Energy Agency proposes a “Ten Point Plan” to change energy use in the modern society (LINK). Third, comes AOC and Bernie Sanders with the “Executive Action Agenda” (LINK)." (please see the links below)

2. For the globalists the main goal is not to end the war but to remove Putin from power. The plan of the globalists was to lure Russia into Ukraine to weaken Putin.

3. The longer the war lasts, the more also American centrality in global financial system is undermined because the economic war being created when America and the EU impose sanctions on Russia is instrumental to the globalists whose main goal is to end the centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System and transfer power to the IMF. Russia is being forced out of the American led global financial system towards the orbit of China creating an alternative financial system and weakening American dominance.

The globalists knew that pushing Ukraine to join NATO would cause a war, they were looking for ways to destroy the centrality of the US dollar in the Global Financial System.

The globalists behind Biden's regime are working not to let the war in Ukraine end to weaken both Putin and the American economy, two important objectives in their strategy to implement the "Great Reset".

The globalists knew that pushing Ukraine to join NATO would cause a Russian reaction and lead to a war, they were looking for ways to destroy the centrality of the US dollar in the Global Financial System to give more power to the IMF, now the IMF is confirming that the war is causing just that.

On April 1st, 2022 the Epoch Times reported " IMF Warns That Sanctions Against Russia Threaten to Weaken the Dominance of the Dollar...The recent financial sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine are threatening to weaken the dominance of the U.S. petrodollar as the world currency, said First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to The Financial Times. The sanctions may result in a more fragmented international monetary system, warned Gopinath."

Part 2 - For the globalists the main goal is not to end the war but to remove Putin from power. The plan of the globalists was to lure Russia into Ukraine to weaken Putin.

On March 13, 2022 Alexander Maistrovoy wrote in Arutz 7 "It's hard to grasp, but the weak and clumsy Biden administration has completely outplayed Putin - until recently a brilliant grandmaster of geopolitical games. The White House dragged Russia into the "Ukrainian swamp", putting it on the brink of self-destruction. For a long time, Putin has urged the West to distance itself from primordial Russian "spheres of influence." The republics of the former USSR, and especially Ukraine, according to Kremlin, had to maintain "positive neutrality" exactly as Finland had done. Up until now, the status quo persisted... The current administration has chosen a completely different path - openly teasing and provoking the bear...the hints to a possible membership of Ukraine in NATO, the massive shipment of heavy weapons to Kiev, and promises to stand up for the Ukrainians have led to the most dramatic consequences... The Russian invasion became inevitable. Russia entered its own "Afghan bog". It is a war that is easy to go into and extremely difficult to get out of. The Kremlin believed that its intervention in Afghanistan would be limited to a few months and to the swift actions of special forces. The reality turned out to be much more ominous. The war in Ukraine is likely to be a much harder test for Russia than the Afghan campaign was for the USSR...If the US ever wanted to destroy Russia as a state, they are now closer to it more than ever, and this is a brilliant tactical success...However, this tactical success can also have extremely negative consequences...there is the moral side of the issue. Like a pawn in a chess game, Washington, in fact, has sacrificed a large and friendly European country. Ukraine is turning into Libya: it will be destroyed and torn to pieces, and millions of people will become refugees or die. Such a terrible human tragedy does not pay off any geopolitical goals, and the cynicism with which it was done, completely undermines the authority and trust in America, which is already greatly undermined..."

On March 1, 2022 MSNBC published an interview with Hilary Clinton in which she called for Putin to be removed from power "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...calls upon Putin's aides to put a stop to him before he brings any more harm to the Russian people." (watch the video below)

On March 11, 2022 George Soros wrote in Project Syndicate "...We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization."

Globalists want Putin removed from power, that is why Zelensky according to Colonel Douglas Macgregor "is being told to hang on and to drag this out". Zelensky is being told do drag the war as much as possible (while thousands of Ukranians are being killed) to destabilize Putin and lead to his destruction. Those who call others "warmongers" when they suggest attacking Iranian nuclear installations are the most fervent advocates against asking Zelensky to accept Putin's conditions and end the Ukranian war.

To origins of the current war can be traced back to the Maidan Revolution in 2013. On February 20, 2022 Euronews reported about the Maidan Revolution "Thousands of people in Ukraine turned out on Sunday to mark the date on which, eight years ago, over 100 people were killed during mass protests that ousted the country's Russia-friendly president...The unrest began in November 2013 following the Ukrainian government's decision to suspend preparations for an association treaty with the European Union and to seek closer economic relations with Russia. After the fall of the Yanukovych government, Russia annexed Crimea and and supported rebels in Ukraine's east..."

Glenn Beck's documentary linked below explains the role that Soros and Obama's State Department played in the Maidan revolution.

Part 3- The longer the war lasts, the more also American centrality in global financial system is undermined because the economic war being created when America and the EU impose sanctions on Russia is instrumental to the globalists whose main goal is to end the centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System and transfer power to the IMF. Russia is being forced out of the American led global financial system towards the orbit of China creating an alternative financial system and weakening American dominance.

Here are some examples:

On March 6, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported "The Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced on Sunday that several banks will switch to the Chinese card system following the suspension of Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal in Russia..On Sunday, several banks in Russia will start to issue new cards with the new Russian payments system “Mir” and China’s UnionPay."

On February 4, 2022 Olga Tanas and Dina Khrennikova wrote in Bloomberg "Russia forged new long-term supply deals with China as the Kremlin aims to strengthen ties with the Asian nation amid souring relations with the West. Energy giants Gazprom PJSC and Rosneft PJSC signed agreements with the world’s largest energy consumer as President Vladimir Putin met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing ahead of the Winter Olympics. The two leaders are drawing their nations closer together, united by political, military and economic frictions with Europe and the U.S.

"...Russia’s relationships with western nations have deteriorated significantly in the past year over concerns Moscow may attack neighboring Ukraine, something the Kremlin insists it isn’t planning to do. The U.S. and Europe are considering sanctioning Russian energy and metals projects, as well as banks and sovereign debt, if there’s a military invasion... The standoff over Ukraine has amplified concerns that Russian gas deliveries could be cut off, either intentionally or as a result of military attacks. While the Kremlin has repeatedly said it will remain a reliable energy supplier, tensions with the West are motivating an acceleration of the country’s so-called “Pivot to Asia” that began last decade with multi-billion oil and gas supply deals. New Route to China During Putin’s visit to Beijing, Gazprom signed its second long-term gas deal with China National Petroleum Corp. Under the agreement, the producer will deliver 10 billion cubic meters per year over 25 years via a new pipeline from Russia’s Far East..."

On March 3, 2022 Legal Insurrection reported "The top Chinese banking regulator announced on Wednesday that China won’t recognize the sanctions imposed on Russia by U.S. President Joe Biden and other Western countries. Despite sweeping trade and financial sanctions imposed in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine by the U.S., European Union, Britain, and Japan, “China won’t join such sanctions” and “will continue to maintain normal economic, trade and financial exchanges with” Russia, declared Guo Shuqing, head of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission."

On March 1, 2022 David Brancaccio, Erika Soderstrom, and Alex Schroeder wrote in the Marketplace "The U.S. and Europe moved to cut many Russian banks out of the SWIFT global payments system. These sanctions make it harder for Russia to participate in and profit from the global economy. But they also could push Russia away from transactions made in U.S. dollars and toward alternative payment systems, including China’s. This is something the U.S. and its allies are worried about. For more on this, “Marketplace Morning Report’s” David Brancaccio spoke with China correspondent Jennifer Pak. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation..."

On March 2, 2022 Larry Johnson explained in the Gateway Pundit that SWIFT sanctions could be circumvented using China's CIPS "CIPS in particular represents a direct threat to SWIFT dominance. A recent discussion at MarketPlace between David Brancaccio and Jennifer Pak is illuminating:

David Brancaccio: So, an alternative for Russia could be China’s cross-border interbank payment system, acronym CIPS. How’s it work?

Jennifer Pak: China’s CIPS connects participants inside China and out to do trade or investment and then settle those transactions using Chinese yuan.

Brancaccio: Well, How’s it different from the SWIFT global payment system based in Belgium?

Pak: Right. So let’s say I sell you shoes. Normally, you’d reach for PayPal to settle it in U.S. dollars, right? But instead, you could use CIPS and pay me in Chinese yuan. And it actually relies heavily on SWIFT’s financial messaging services. So you can think of CIPS as being enhanced by SWIFT rather than working against it.

Brancaccio: But in the Chinese currency, that’s key. What kinds of institutions currently use the CIPS system? Pak: Well, CIPS says they have roughly 1,100 financial institutions from 100 countries, but they’re mostly from China, and also ones from Russia."

Many analysts believe CIPS is still a pipe dream. I do not. I think the West has underestimated the seriousness of this threat. Consider this fact–of the top ten banks in the world, the top four are all based in China..."

Putin learned sanctions could be circumvented by working with Iran and China. A Russia-Iran-China alliance was forged during the Obama years. When Obama decided to withdraw US troops from Iraq, Russia and Iran saw a golden opportunity to extend their influence over the region. On May 9,2020 the National Interest reported "...The current Russian-Iranian alliance in Syria owes its existence to General Qassem Soleimani, the chief of the Revolutionary Guards’ specialized Qods Force and the regime’s strategic mastermind who was recently killed by U.S. forces. Soleimani’s clandestine visit to Moscow in July 2015 initiated the military partnership to save Assad. Soleimani’s proxy army of foreign Shi’a militias were able to defeat the Syrian insurgents only with the help of the Russian air force..."

On May 8, 2020 Arthur Cyr reported in the Chicago Tribune "...The decision by Vladimir Putin in 2015 to intervene with military forces in the brutal combat in Syria has led to sustained expansion of Russia’s influence in the region. Along with other benefits, Moscow has greatly increased the staying power of the regime of Syria President Bashar al-Assad.Historically, Moscow has been preoccupied with secure national borders, especially in Eastern Europe, and generally abstained from sending military forces long distances. This traditional approach has now been abandoned by Putin, who has become a daring military gambler in the Mideast..."

When President Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran, Russia and China moved to invest in Iran to fill the void left by the fleeing European companies. When America increased sanctions on Iran, Russia and China understood the importance of weakening the US dollar to protect their investments. In April 2020 United Against Nuclear Iran reported "In 2018, the Trump administration withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and initiated a “maximum pressure” campaign against the Iranian regime, re-imposing and expanding sanctions targeting Iran’s energy, shipping, insurance, and banking sectors. Major European businesses responded by fleeing Iran. However, the Trump administration’s efforts to isolate Iran still face a major hurdle as China and Russia move to fill the void and capitalize on the business opportunities emerging in the wake of European withdrawals...

...In the immediate aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif embarked on a diplomatic tour to mitigate against the impact of the coming re-imposition of sanctions. His first two stops were Beijing and Moscow. In the months that followed, China and Russia have sought to expand their trade and investment with Iran and assess the feasibility of taking over outright European deals that had collapsed. While the re-imposition of sanctions has created an opportunity for both countries, it has complicated matters as well. Ultimately, the extent to which China and Russia can benefit from the current state of play comes down to their ability to limit sanctions exposure and create workarounds such as mechanisms to conduct transactions in local, non-dollar currencies. In September 2018, Foreign Minister Zarif outlined Iran’s plan to avoid using the U.S. dollar: “You can use your own currency. Sell stuff in your own currency, buy stuff in the other country’s currency, and at the end of a specific period, balance it out in a non-dollar currency.

...In spite of all the obstacles posed by the Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign, China and Russia remain committed to seeing through their business dealings with Iran. The halting progress in execution indicates that the sanctions are working as intended. In Beijing’s and Moscow’s view, however, the economic and geopolitical benefits outweigh the potential risks of sanctions exposure and they continue to seek ways to move forward and find alternative approaches that would undermine America and the dollar’s centrality to the global economic system..."

The centrality of the US dollar in the global financial system is also a challenge to revive Obama's Nuclear Deal with Iran. Although Obama tried to lift sanctions on Iran many are still in place due to the centrality of the US dollar in the Global Financial System. On November 10, 2021 David Rosenberg reported in Haaretz "Tehran is counting on China as a counterbalance to the U.S. and Europe. "China is a major factor in why Iran feels it can overcome the sanctions campaign," says Alex Vatanka, director of the Iran program at the Middle East Institute in Washington. "A report by Kevjn Lim of the business-intelligence firm IHS Markit on Iran-China relations, published by Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies, estimates that in 2019 China took half of Iranian oil exports directly, and probably even more via third countries. Yet China is buying Iranian oil at huge discounts, since the Iranians are so desperate to sell it. "Even after sanctions were lifted following the 2015 nuclear agreement, Chinese companies were having trouble doing business in Iran. One reason is because Tehran has yet to sign the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) conventions on money laundering and terror finance, which effectively blocks doing business in dollars or using U.S. clearinghouses. Unless Iran does so, Chinese banks can't provide the finance and transaction services needed for long-term business agreements."

The Biden (Obama) administration wants to end the centrality of the US dollar to enable the revival of the nuclear deal with Iran and to follow the globalist's agenda that want to transfer power to an international organization like the IMF. On March 2, 2022 the Gateway Pundit published the video below "Fed Chief Powell Says It’s Possible to Have More than One Reserve Currency in the World – Diminishing America’s Financial Dominance"

The centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System is an obstacle for Iranian access to the Global Financial System "Even after sanctions were lifted following the 2015 nuclear agreement" and that is why the US during the Obama administration did not use its influence over the IMF board of directors to prevent China and the IMF to start replacing the US Dollar by including the Chinese Renminbi to Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Basket.

The IMF's SDRs replacement of the centrality of the USD will undermine America's sovereignty and democracy. Because of the Great Reset's deficit the IMF's board of directors now has more power and influence in America.

In the last decades the IMF imposed "structural reform" programs in over 90 countries. In the 1990s the IMF's intervention led to the economic meltdown of, for example, Mexico, Brazil and Russia. It seems that now because of Obama and Biden America will become more vulnerable to its policies.

On September 30, 2016, during the Obama administration, the IMF News reported it added the Chinese Renminbi to Special Drawing Rights Basket. At the time the US had the most voting power and influence in the IMF board of directors and could have prevented this.

"Renminbi joins U.S. dollar, euro, yen, and British pound in SDR basket. Change represents important milestone for IMF, SDR, and China....

Effective October 1, the IMF is adding the Chinese renminbi (RMB) to the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right, or SDR.

The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves.

The IMF’s Executive Board agreed to change the SDR’s basket currency composition in November 2015, and the decision now enters into force after a period of transition.

The RMB joins the SDR basket in addition to the previously included four currencies—the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound (see chart).

In an interview, Siddharth Tiwari (Director of the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review Department) and Andrew Tweedie (Director of the IMF’s Finance Department) explain why this change took place and its significance for the IMF, the SDR, China, and the international monetary system as a whole.

IMF News: What does the renminbi’s inclusion in the SDR basket mean for China?

Tiwari : The RMB’s inclusion is an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system. The IMF’s determination that the RMB is freely usable reflects China’s expanding role in global trade and the substantial increase in the international use and trading of the renminbi..."

By including the Chinese renminbi in the SDR the IMF crowned it a reserve currency at the same level that the dollar, euro, yen, and British pound. China's push to expand this "New World Money Order" threatens the centrality of the US Dollar. A currency controlled by an international institution like the IMF is key for the globalists.

On June 1, 2021 the Guardian reported Obama said "Biden ‘finishing the job’ my administration started"

On July 13, 2021 Biden supported a controversial plan to strengthen the International Monetary Fund and replace the centrality of the US Dollar. Alex Newman wrote in the Epoch Times "...The Biden administration-backed International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposal to issue an unprecedented $650 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of new “Special Drawing Rights” (SDRs) this year alone will also help re-shape the international financial system. That is more than twice the total amount of SDRs created by the IMF throughout its entire history...The unprecedented new issuance, which has the support of both Beijing and Washington, will contribute to sidelining the U.S. dollar’s role as the global reserve currency, analysts warned. The Chinese Communist Party is expected to be a leading beneficiary...if the dollar were to lose its status to the SDR, the demand for dollars around the world would plummet. The resulting collapse in purchasing power would create an enormous crisis as Americans’ ability to purchase goods and services from abroad was decimated..."

Jim Rickards in his book "The Death of Money" warned about a plot to replace the USD. Please see in the video below an interview with Jim Rickards made in 2014 where he clearly explains what is being implemented today:

Excerpts "When people talk about deficits, my first question is, ‘Okay, tell me what the deficit is, but also tell me what the growth rate is?’ And if you're growing faster than you're borrowing then the debt is sustainable. But if the debt is going up faster than the economy is growing, then the debt is not sustainable. So, where are we today? We are at a point where even today those debts are still going up faster than growth, and that's a recipe for disaster." "Sovereign banks bailed out the private sector, but now who's going to bail out the sovereign banks because they are all—all the major ones anyway—are insolvent now on a mark-to-market basis. Well, who's bigger than a sovereign? The answer is the IMF.” “This is not well-known, but they have a printing press also. They can print special drawing rights, so-called SDRs... Just to be clear: you and I are not going to have SDRs in our pockets. We're still going to have US dollars. It's just that the dollar will cease to function as the global reserve currency. It will be a local currency...but it won't be used for the big things [like]…the price of oil, settlement and balance of payments between countries, rescue packages, and probably the financial statements of the hundred largest corporations, [which]…in the not too distant future they'll actually publish their financial results in SDRs, not in dollars.” "People use the phrase, 'kick the can down the road''s more like kicking the can upstairs. So, going from private debt to a sovereign debt bailout was kicking the can upstairs… And the reason is that the central banks used up their balance sheets—used up their capacity—to deal with the last crisis. So they've got nothing left to deal with in the next crisis. So it's going to have to go to the IMF because they have the only clean balance sheet left in the world. Just to give you a concrete example...the Fed is leveraged 80:1. The IMF is only leveraged 3:1, which means the IMF has a lot of headroom to issue new money and they will. I've had private conversations with senior people and they say they will do it." "What the elites are trying to do is they're trying to engineer higher inflation to make the debt worth less, keep a lid on interest rates so they don't get even more debt on top of it, rob the savers—do it through the banking the system—and print the money at the IMF. So it's all kind of one big thing that they're working on...again this is not speculation, there are academic papers on financial repression, there are official IMF papers on SDRs. This is all out there and I've researched it and put it all in The Death of Money." (Please see the full video below)

Jim Rickards' book "The Death of Money" can be seen in the link below:

This weakens the US Dollar in addition to the deficit created by the "Great Reset" as explained below...

Biden also claims he cannot lift restrictions on domestic energy production including the Keystone pipeline because of the need to fight Climate Change. The Biden Regime claims they embraced the "Great Reset" to fight Climate Change but it will have little actual environmental benefit. On January 21, 2021 the Epoch Times reported "Rejoining the Paris climate agreement as it stands now will have devastating economic consequences for the United States, with little actual environmental benefit, according to experts...

“Because there is really no teeth to the Paris climate accord, developing countries are getting a free pass in terms of their emissions...It’s likely that the Paris climate accord is not going to reach its intended goal.”

"...Anthony Watts, senior research fellow of environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, said according to their analysis, the agreement would cost the United States “about 2.7 million jobs by 2025 due to scaling back parts of industries. Now that would have been about 440,000 manufacturing jobs that we would have lost.”

Colonel Mcgregor says Zelensky is a puppet who is being told "to hang on and to drag this out". Why?

1. The Ukrainian war is being exploited to promote the World Economic Forum “Build Back Better”.

2. For the globalists the main goal is not to end the war but to remove Putin from power.

3. The longer the war lasts, the more also American centrality in global financial system is undermined

Ukrainians are being sacrificed to implement the globalist's agenda. The war in Ukraine is just another step towards Klaus Schwab's "New Word Order".

Part 4: Iran

Biden's nuclear deal with Iran will provide billions to Iranian repopulation of Syria with Shia Muslims. While Biden opposes the Russian occupation of parts of Ukraine it finances the Iranian takeover of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to help implement Obama's vision that "Iran Will Be And Should Be A Regional Power” by Ezequiel Doiny

On December 12, 2018 Tom Rogan wrote in the Washington Examiner "Seven more Islamic State mass graves have been found in Syria...the vast majority would also have been moderate Sunni Muslims, belonging to the Sunni Arab tribes of Deir ez-Zor province. So if these victims were Sunni Muslims, just like the ISIS fighters, why did the latter so brutally kill them?"

"So if these victims were Sunni Muslims, just like the ISIS fighters, why did the latter so brutally kill them?" On July 2016 Brad Macdonald explained in the Trumpet “Like most national, tribal, ethical and religious relationships in the Middle East, the relationship between the Islamic State and Iran is not nearly as simple as many Westerners believe. Evidence proves that Iran and the Islamic State are not archenemies. In fact, Iran is at least partly responsible for the Islamic State’s creation!

In his article “Iran Is More Deeply Tied to isis Than You Think,” Benjamin Decker provides a detailed explanation of Iran’s involvement in the creation of various Sunni terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda. He writes, “As the West continues to partner with Iran to ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ the Islamic State, it is worth remembering that one of Iran’s highest-ranking terrorists was instrumental in founding al Qaeda, and that the split between Shia and Sunni jihadis is murky at best” (Tower, December 2015).

The Islamic State emerged from al Qaeda in Iraq. Decker continues: “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the rise of al Qaeda in Iraq (aqi), the predecessor to the Islamic State, has been well documented; comparably little attention has been given to the group’s global reach. While the Islamic State was born out of Osama bin Laden’s global jihad against the West, many overlook the importance of another player in the equation—Iran.

“This may seem surprising given that Iran, the stalwart of the Shia Crescent, is currently embroiled in a regional war against the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq. However, Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, described as one of the ‘largest and most dynamic intelligence agencies in the Middle East’ by the Pentagon’s Irregular Warfare Support Program, has, over the past 20 years, provided financial, material, technological and other support services to aqi.” This article explains in detail Iran’s history with grooming and training key Sunni terrorist leaders, and financing and supplying weapons and tactical assistance to various Sunni terrorist groups.

An article from the Tower’s website, “The Different Stages of Iranian Support for isis,” said, “Recent reports that Iran is supporting isis through its funding of Hamas are a reminder that the Islamic Republic has long backed the powerful jihadist group and its predecessors in a variety of ways.

“In 2012, the United States Treasury Department exposed the extensive financial ties between Iran and al Qaeda in Iraq” (Dec. 16, 2015). Again, this is the terrorist organization that evolved into the Islamic State!

Iran wasn’t alone in supporting and exploiting the rise of al Qaeda in Iraq. For example, a Pentagon report from August 2012 revealed that the U.S. and the West once supported the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” in an effort to dislodge the regime of President Bashar Assad. That opposition movement comprised of “the Salafist [movement], the Muslim Brotherhood and aqi.” But that support was brief and much less than Iran’s.

Another fact that has been exaggerated in the West is the belief that Iran and Syria are sincerely trying to destroy the Islamic State. explained: “As aqi metastasized across Iraq and eventually became isis, Iran sought to position itself at the vanguard of the global effort against the terrorist group, claiming that it was dedicated to beating back its advances. However, Iran and its clients, particularly Syrian President Bashar Assad, have notably failed to dislodge isis from any significant territory” (ibid).

The article quotes Michael Pregent, a former U.S. military intelligence officer, warning in May 2015 that Iran and its allies were not actively engaged in sustained battles with the Islamic State. In fact, he stated, “Iran needs the threat of isis and Sunni jihadist groups to stay in Syria and Iraq in order to become further entrenched in Damascus and Baghdad.” In June 2015, U.S. officials “charged Syria with bombing non-Islamist rebels ‘in support of [the Islamic State’s] advance on Aleppo,’ which helped the terror group push back Syrian opposition factions that were fighting Assad’s regime.”

The April 2016 issue of Tablet contains an interesting interview with Abdul Halim Khaddam, former vice president and foreign minster of Syria. This man understands the way the Middle East works, and he understands Iran. In the interview, Khaddam revealed that Syrian strongman Assad—who is an Iranian proxy—and the Islamic State are partners. “It is a fact that Daesh [an Arabic name for the Islamic State] does not fight the government in Damascus any more than the government in Damascus bombs Daesh,” he explained. “Although it is Sunni, Daesh’s roots are in Iran—in a group of ex-officers of the Iraqi Presidential Guard that went to train in Iran and that Iran accepted because they thought they could use them later—and their calculation proved right. Daesh worked with Iran and with the Syrian regime to get the Americans away from Iraq. The idea was to then share the territory between Sunnis and Shiites, an arrangement which the Iranians refused once the U.S. were gone.”

It is dangerous to assume that Iran thinks the same way about the Islamic State as the West does. The truth is, the Islamic State’s rise has proven enormously beneficial to Iran, the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism.

First, the Islamic State has distracted America and the West from Iran’s terrorist activities. Thanks to isis, Iran is no longer on the West’s radar as a terrorist threat.

Second, the presence of the Islamic State gives Iran an opportunity to refashion its reputation in the region and globally. Iran’s leaders regularly deliver statements promising to defend the persecuted from the Islamic State and bring stability to Iraq and the broader region. Tehran is exploiting the violence and instability created by isis to cast itself as the region’s savior. Iran’s leaders have promised to rescue Iraq, as well as Christians and other isis victims. Compared to the Islamic State, Iran seems like a picture of moderation.

Third, the rise of the Islamic State has provided Iran with the opportunity to bolster its military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iranian officials, soldiers and intelligence personnel are setting up offices all over Iraq and Syria, all under the guise of fighting the Islamic State. If isis’s presence in Iraq and Syria diminishes, keep an eye on who fills the power vacuum. It will be Iran!

When you consider all the facts, it is obvious that the rise of the Islamic State has actually made Iran stronger. The isis threat has boosted Iran’s reputation in the international community. It has enabled Iran to extract concessions from America and the West. It has improved Iran’s strategic position in Iraq and throughout the Middle East. And it is undermining, both directly and indirectly, Iran’s primary opponents in the region, most notably Saudi Arabia...”

The article above documents that for a period of time "Iran and its clients, particularly Syrian President Bashar Assad, have notably failed to dislodge isis from any significant territory”. For a period of time Iran and Assad did not attack ISIS to give them time to mass murder all the Sunni Muslims that opposed the Assad regime, after they had done Assad's dirty work ISIS had fulfilled its role and could disappear. When the press found the mass graves ISIS could be conveniently blamed and Iran and Assad could avoid war crime charges.

Iran used ISIS to ethnically cleanse the Sunni Muslim population from parts of Siria and then replaced it with Shia Muslims. On January 13, 2017 the Guardian reported "...For the first time since the conflict broke out, people are starting to return. But the people settling in are not the same as those who fled during the past six years. The new arrivals have a different allegiance and faith to the predominantly Sunni Muslim families who once lived there. They are, according to those who have sent them, the vanguard of a move to repopulate the area with Shia Muslims not just from elsewhere in Syria, but also from Lebanon and Iraq. The population swaps are central to a plan to make demographic changes to parts of Syria, realigning the country into zones of influence that backers of Bashar al-Assad, led by Iran, can directly control and use to advance broader interests..."

On November 1, 2017 Robert Windrem wrote in NBC news "A document seized the night Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden suggests that Al Qaeda and Iran had a relationship more complicated and intimate than previously known — one that included threats and kidnappings, but also occasional cooperation.

The document was among a massive trove of material released Wednesday by the CIA following a request by the Long War Journal, a website that has chronicled the U.S. war on terrorism..."

Obama had access to this information while he embraced Iran as an ally in the war against ISIS but admitting it would have prevented him from withdrawing US troops from Irak, signing the nuclear deal with Iran, embracing the view that Iran "should be a regional power". In an interview recorded in the video below on Jul 14, 2015 Obama said : “Iran Will Be And Should Be A Regional Power” (see video below)

Biden's nuclear deal with Iran will provide billions to Iranian repopulation of Syria with Shia Muslims.

Ezequiel Doiny is author of "Obama's Assault on Jerusalem's Western Wall"

TOPICS: Education; History; Military/Veterans
KEYWORDS: 10percent4thebigguy; alreadyposted; biden; demsunited4kickbacks; demsunitedforbribes; demsunitedforukraine; fakenews; marxism; obama; searchworks

1 posted on 06/25/2023 4:04:46 PM PDT by Ezequiel Doiny
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To: Ezequiel Doiny
Marxists are using the power of the White House to spread Marxism around the World


2 posted on 06/25/2023 4:07:30 PM PDT by Navy Patriot (Celebrate Decivilization)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny

I don’t see it as Marxism that they want to spread, it’s fascism. An atheistic neopagan fascism. They’ve dropped the pretense of achieving an intermediate Marxism, as we experience on a daily basis with the elite, corporations, worldwide governments and militaries aligning to enslave the world.

3 posted on 06/25/2023 4:25:43 PM PDT by jacknhoo (Luke 12:51; Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
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To: jacknhoo

Facism is just another form of Marxism. Nazism is marxism applied to race.

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To: Ezequiel Doiny

This is the usual simplistic thinking that’s all too common on the right. The left too, but they are a lost cause.

Its all about creating a single enemy that contains every sort of evil. Sometimes the most tentative, tortured reasoning has to be applied to justify the model of a single devilish enemy. This is fundamentally unrealistic.

That’s not how the world works.

5 posted on 06/25/2023 4:45:03 PM PDT by buwaya (Strategic imperatives )
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To: cowboyusa

No, fascism is not Marxism.

6 posted on 06/25/2023 4:53:08 PM PDT by jacknhoo (Luke 12:51; Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
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To: Ezequiel Doiny


7 posted on 06/25/2023 4:53:19 PM PDT by sauropod (“If they don’t believe our lies, well, that’s just conspiracy theorist stuff, there.”)
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To: cowboyusa

No, Nazism is another sort of socialism. Technically, the correct word here probably is “corporatist”, which does not mean what it sounds like.

Its a “third way” system, out of the many that were popular in the 1890’s-1930’s. You have a vast variety of these ideas, from the “Rerum Novarum” of Leo XIII to the Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, etc. variants of “third ways”.

Its got its own peculiarities, in that it is fundamentally antisemitic. No antisemitism = no Nazism.

As for its marxist links, it draws more from Leninism, as to the primacy of the “vanguard”, the party. Marx did not describe an operable form of communism.

And none of these things have anything to do with the modern degenerate forms of Marxism (which itself is probably best thought of a degenerate Christian heresy), which are prevalent today. We are talking of the legacy of Marcuse, etc., where the working class no longer matters. They betrayed the intellectuals you know.

8 posted on 06/25/2023 5:03:23 PM PDT by buwaya (Strategic imperatives )
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To: buwaya

Hitler admitted that he had adopted some ofarxism.

9 posted on 06/25/2023 5:04:55 PM PDT by cowboyusa (YESHUA IS KING OF AMERICA! AMERICA FIRST! DEATH TO MARXISM AND GLOBALIffinaly sounded foccusefSM!)
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To: cowboyusa

He copied Lenin, on the matter of the party. He admired the discipline and copied the structure of the 1920’s German communists, which were Leninists.

10 posted on 06/25/2023 5:11:27 PM PDT by buwaya (Strategic imperatives )
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