Let me guess; the tower is leaning hard to the left of the plumbing line.
Funny coincidence that West means viewed from the usual orientation from above that means it is tilting left.
“At Ancient Aliens we don’t believe in coincidence.”—Giorgio Tsoukalos
Gibbs’ Rule #39:
There is no such thing as a coincidence.
First mentioned in “Obsession” on NCIS
(Episode 21, Season 7).
I’ve long said NASCAR embodies the only Left turns problem with modern America.
The only solution is either an all-gay or all-female engineering team to address this.
Pisa 2.0
I assume being San Francisco the ‘engineers’ were chosen based on inclusivity...
3 gays who cross dress and steal women’s luggage at airports
two black engineers who were ‘math challenged’ and were accepted to MIT based on skin color,
and 2 women with IQ’s in the 105 rages who ‘feel’ this can be done... but don’t want to talk about it.