My BP is the same way. I dread talking to my doctor so much that mine goes out the roof. I record daily BP measurements for a month before I go or she would have me on them too. If I’m not stressed, my BP often goes to the neighborhood of 90/60. Meds would kill me.
That’s exactly how mine was doing. It amazes me what doctors do not know. High blood pressure can be caused by many different things IMO, most doctors don’t want to go through the trouble of tracing down the cause, they’d rather treat the symptom.
Soon after the cancer diagnosis, I took my health care decisions into my own hands. I will never again let another doctor prescribe a med or do a procedure without my full understanding of why take it or do it and benefit vs risk. That was why I wouldn’t do more chemo, for what? An extra few months of life, wherein I’d be sick most of that time?
I put my trust in Gods will and truly believe that is all I need do. Prayer over medications and procedures are just as valid of those for life.
Good on you! If covid did nothing else, it woke us up to how crooked some in the medical profession can be. Bless those that still care and do the right thing.
> doctors
I told my doctor I would not take any medication for blood pressure or cholesterol. Won’t do it! My BP is usually a bit high when I go in. Now he checks it again before I leave and it’s normal.