I'm sure he is. But his abuse of authority is concerning and not amusing at all d;^)
Hee! Thx, Chuck, for taking note. Bragg is a clown truly for amusing other NYC officials. He only now may suspect he was picked to be the dumb guy for the fall.
Whoever runs Bragg was behind the abuse. Bragg is no genius, none of them are, but he serves up the signature needed, in place of those too smart to run.
It’s hard not to predict a trainwreck coming for this chipmunk’s case against Trump.
Infuriating that Alvin is low hanging fruit for a congressional investigation, compared to NY AG Lettuce-ia James. GRRR.
Alvin Bragg is practicing prosecutorial self-abuse while ruminating over Stormy Daniels and dreaming of sodomizing Trump.