There are five of them, although I only see four at one time also! There always seems to be one underneath the others.
We gave a calico, 2 tortoiseshells, a dark tabby, and a light gray tabby with white paws, chin & belly. No tuxedos so those little white paws on the tabby will have to do. And no red tabby’s, but the tortoiseshells and calico have some neat colors.
I’m a little worried about the mom now, she is pretty skinny. Being that she was on the street her whole pregnancy, she probably didn’t eat very well. I just hope she keeps producing milk. I’m feeding her a high-protein cat food and I just ordered some kitten food, which I read is what she should be eating.
Calico cats are said to bring good luck!
They almost always female.
rare male calicos are sterile.
A fun read here:
Given her history, and she’s nursing 5, I am not surprised she is skinny!
It sounds to me that you are doing everything just right, so try not to worry!
Quite a mix of colors in that litter.
OM Gosh, they are so sweet.
You are lucky your hubby lets you do this.
My problem is I would not be able to give them up.
All different personalities and cuteness.
My heart would break.