Everyone should carry at least one defensive weapon on them, at all times.
Some folks just don’t like guns. I get that. And in some workplaces, carrying a gun is a firing offense. So carry police-grade pepper spray. Fox and Sabre are good brands. Both are available on Amazon, and are legal in all 50 states.
Some states do have size restrictions. Check that out. But never, ever be defenseless.
Sabre red comes in a gel formulation. Sticks real good. Less cross contamination and it has a dye marker.
I've ALWAYS felt like,,,Hosp's are killing fields.
Worked in a Hosp...years ago..and we had Security that had Dogs.
I’m in AZ. I bought myself a concealed carry purse for Christmas. I take my gun everywhere now and I don’t advertise it. Too bad if they have a sign prohibiting guns. I won’t be left defenseless anymore.
My workplace bans defensive sprays as well as all weapons.
I still crack up that Costco had a pallet of Jogger Fogger pepper spray on the floor in the last year. I am amazed that got past the wokesters there.