Voting ain’t working.
The only problem is that the voters are stupider than the politician. Shocking that Biden is smarter than quite a few voters.
Prior to the election they will send out mail telling us how they are fighting for us. Included will be a family photo....and one talking to workers while wearing a hard hat. All relevant political talking points will be covered.
Apparently it continues to work.
Looking back at my voting record I am appalled. I believed the mailers. Hey...I campaigned for Romney. That’s just one of them.
Could apply to public employee teacher union critters with slight modification of bennies.
Politicians are human beings with human traits & foibles. To expect them to ‘sacrifice’ to hold office is to expect the sun to rise in the west!
Thus, another vote for making terms to be limited. I have two minor suggestions to self-limit office tenure in the District of Corruption!
Item 1) Erect an apartment complex with a single bedroom for each Congress-Critter (CC). If they want a family life with a spouse, they have to be home to enjoy it!
Item 2) Each CC is limited to a maximum wealth increase of 8% per year by tax return. Any wealth increase over that escheats to the US Treasury with each tax return.
Whatever rules that were in force on the date of the CC’s election remain in force for that entire span at that office.
Some of them no longer reside in the states they were originally elected from, yet voters in those states continue to reelect them.