My Pillows will be a classic business school study in success and failure
The constant and unrelenting advertising resulted in lots of sales up to the point where the pillow market was saturated. There cannot and will not be sales when the mail order market is saturated. Realizing that fact, the company then selected other products to hawk in the television commercials.
The sheets and towels and later shoes were priced to high and did not sell. In an era where conservative nationalist customers are intent on Buying America, an attempt was made to sell foreign Cotten. So the gambit failed and to get rid of the inventory, all items were advertised at fantastic markdowns. That process revealed the fact that the sheets and towels were outrageously overpriced from the outset.
Now, within the last week or so, the man is hawking coffee, My Coffee. When revenue required to support a failing company is studied, failure in this gambit is certain. The Unit price for what is in fact a commodity is low and the likelihood for generating the required volume from sales of what amounts to a commodity is unlikely.
When studied in the business school, an avenue of success, very profitable success, will be postulated. At the point where My Pillow market saturation was determined with certainty, the business should have been closed. The revenue generated from investing the immense My Pillow profits was greater than attempting to resell purchased goods at an outrageous markup
Same with the slippers. Regular price $139, like anyone would ever pay that for slippers, $89 was supposed to be a bargain price. Last I’ve seen they were down to $49. Still high for slippers as much as I wanted the “pink” moccasin ones, I have resisted!
That’s my take. He’s not selling pillows. Heck of a salesman. He could sell ice to Eskimos, and sand to Arabs. A real phenom. In another life, if he had better hair and looks, and a more modulated message, he could have been Joel Osteen.
Same with the slippers. Regular price $139, like anyone would ever pay that for slippers, $89 was supposed to be a bargain price. Last I’ve seen they were down to $49. Still high for slippers as much as I wanted the “pink” moccasin ones, I have resisted!