The tariffs hurt the South but enriched the North.
Theodore R.: "The tariffs hurt the South but enriched the North."
Total rubbish!
Federal tariff taxes covered imports, whether they were purchased by Northerners, Westerners or Southerners, those tariff rates were the same for every region.
Those tariffs were paid in the city where imports landed and were warehoused, and the vast majority went to New York City.
The entire South, including New Orleans, paid well under 10% of Federal import tariffs.
Of course, some of the goods landed in New York did eventually ship to Southern customers, but the total was no more than 15% of all imports. All the rest went to customers in the North, East and West.
But... but... didn't Southern exports, especially cotton, "pay for" all those imports which went to Northern customers?
Sure, but the vast wealth earned by Southern slavocrats was not spent on luxury imports from abroad but rather on mundane products manufactured in the North.
So 99% of Southerners in 1860 never saw or directly paid a Federal tariff.
The whole issue was & is bogus Democrat propaganda!