Don’t forgot, the cash option is about 55-60 percent of the amount. That total jackpot amount is based on the total amount if it is paid in installments. An interest drawing account is created which is EXPECTED to mature to the jackpot amount. Problem is, who can guess what the value is gonna be 20...or 30 years from now. Or if the guaranteers will exist.
Then the winner gets to pay fed taxes...and state taxes ( cal doesn’t collect state taxes on these jackpot) if applicable.
Either way,a pile of money. But don’t forget the long lost people who always really loved you. And your heirs,counting the days till you die
After opting for cash value and after all federal and state taxes are deducted, a winner in SC would take home about 42% of the gross amount.
Here in Ohio, and a few other states, winners can remain anonymous. Also you can have the ticket claimed by a Trust. So, If I win, no one has to know (except the IRS and the Ohio Department of Taxation).