A lot more physical activity through the day would help blunt this, even if you kept a similar diet.
You could stop all simple sugars, high sugar fruits, breads, etc. and favor just the most complex of carbohydrates (low Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load). You could also go low carb, for even fewer opportunities for excess blood sugar.
Intermittent fasting helps your body reset itself, regardless of diet and activity, but it will take time, if not making other changes mentioned above.
Our bodies were not meant to eat at potentially any waking hour, eat excess calories or calories we don't burn off, or eat simple sugars (breads are effectively a simple sugar, due to their five minute conversion to sugar). Even Jesus said man cannot live on bread, alone.
There are supplements that definitely help in getting rid of metabolic syndrome, but nothing is as powerful as diet and exercise. Even stomach stapling is affecting diet, but works pretty well (however, it is extreme).
6 years, done that