a very weak short lived sheared storm. Helps to pad the season name count for those screaming “climate change”
(Bonnie also another one)
Could put a damper on holiday weekend plans for coastal NC/SC.
It’s a mesoscale convective complex that was in the right place at the right time to become a tropical system.
Based on the increased volume of advisories coming from the NHC this season so far I sense that the “Tropical Weather Season” is being padded for political purposes.
The federal government is using its power to hype the notion of “climate change” through the National Weather Service.
Bingo...I can’t find a coastal station or buoy with winds at 40 mph. The closest I got was 33 mph on one buoy. Next closest was 25 mph. We’ll see if this actually develops into a true TS.
They were hoping that the swirl of clouds of Texas would as well but it went inland.
Yep, it's all about using up the list of names every season.