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To: ransomnote

Someone tell Kurt Eichenwald /tentacle pr0n>

70 posted on 04/11/2022 1:24:18 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: grey_whiskers

Parasites developing out of the vaccines may explain some of the aversion to ivermectin encountered the last couple years.

90 posted on 04/11/2022 2:43:41 PM PDT by Keflavik76 (Don't want to be a brick in Babylons wall.)
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To: grey_whiskers

All I can say is: Wow what a find.!!
RIght away what comes to mind is Dr. CHarles Lieber.
Hes the top dog in the field from Harvard who spent 20 years in china selling secrets to the chicoms he has to be the ultiamte traitor.He was caught not too long ago carrying hundred dollar bills onto a plane back to the US in a brown paper bag.He was prosecuted by the IRS of all agencies.
I can’t help but wonder if the nano-king, as he was termed by Maryam Henein in her hour long interview about Lieber, constantly referred to him as the nano king.
I wonder if he is involved in placing various objects and stuff on the graphene base.? From what i have read this stuff form Pfizer,j&j and the rest is a product of many years of research.

This clip from the link you posted got me to wondering:

This time there is evidence of numerous metals and four deadly parasites in the Moderna, J&J and Pfizer vaccines. Several physicians and scientists in the U.S. and Europe obtained vials, kept the contents safe from contamination, and placed the solutions under light and electron microscopes. They found vials labeled as vaccine doses, but which were actually harmless saline solutions. But several of the vials contained metals, deadly parasites, and what appears to be a synthetic biological organism in the form of an egg that matures and hatches under the right conditions.

Let’s break it down.

From Dr. Carrie Madej:

“I examined both the Moderna mRNA and the Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA “vaccines” under a compound microscope. I used white light and the ambient temperature was normal in the lab. The colors appeared over time in what I observed. Then suddenly purple, blue and green lights appeared and disappeared. Some nanotechnology engineers(this has to be right up LIebers roadmap) later told me that the liquids have the properties of superconducting materials, analogous to injectable computer systems.
(Lieber was interested in creating a super human being and has 66 patents involved in it.Im wondering if this was one of his creations)
Dr. Madej also observed a microorganism:

“It was alive. It rose from the glass slide and its tentacles moved. The organism pointed its tentacle through the lens, as if it was aware of itself. It knew we were watching it. Some people contacted me and Stew Peters and said the creature looked like something called Hydra Vulgaris, one of six model organisms that cannot die.(something that cannot die once again wreaks of Lieber) It regenerates continuously. You can put it in a blender and it will reassemble itself later. I was so shocked by what I saw that I cried most of the night.”
Had to ask. The similarities were amazing to me.

He almost has to be of consideration since not everyone can add stuff that wont die and is only activated by heat and is microscopic to a graphene base. These people are probably a rare find.

198 posted on 04/12/2022 1:48:02 AM PDT by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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