I heard that only owners of a certain class of stock in The New York Times have a say. I forget what class of stock that is, but I remember that only 8 people own such shares. Those 8 alone determine New York Times editorial policy.
Seriously? You think he has no influence???
NY Slimes share holders named and class B shareholders basically run their corporation:
Class B stockholders:
Joichi Ito
James A. Kohlberg
Brian P. McAndrews
Doreen A. Toben
Raul E. Cesan
Robert E. Denham
Hays N. Golden
Michael Golden
Steven B. Green
Dara Khosrowshahi
Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.
Mark Thompson
Rebecca Van Dyck
2. Advisory vote to approve executive compensation
(Class B stockholders)
For p. 62
3. Advisory vote on frequency of future advisory votes to approve
executive compensation (Class B stockholders)
Annual p. 63
4. Ratification of selection of Ernst & Young LLP as auditors for
fiscal year ending December 31, 2017 (Class A and B stockholders)