There are people rotting in prison yet Epps knows what really went on.
I’m suspended from twatter. Is there a link?
Ray Epps knows something that terrifies the Democrats, not unlike Epstein. It’s so devastating they’re afraid to say his name out loud. I hope he’s checking under the hood before he starts his car.
Anyone buying Epps and the FBI’s story is an idiot, evil, or both.
adding to watch list
Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!
This is so obvious.
Stuart Rhodes / Ray Epps
1. Insert fed asset
2. Asset instigats targets
3. Bust targets
4. ( if/when public asks why asset unidited) Bust asset.
5. Offer asset plea deal
6. Asset turns state witness
7. Asset testifies on targets
8. Asset walks
9. Claim no fed assets involved.
10. Rinse repeat.
Something is rotten in the Deep State.
Asking the FBI whether Ray Epps was an FBI operative.
Answer: We can not answer that question.