Same with droughts, wildfires, flooding. Wikipedia has lists for all of them and they’ve all been happening for as long as they’ve been recorded. I’ve been battling lefties on twitter using wikipedia which is run by lefties so they can’t argue with it. Pretty sure I actually changed at least one person’s mind.
I also told one to check out Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans” available on youtube. It’s actually a decent documentary and Moore’s not in it. It shows how alt-energy is as bad if not worse than fossil fuels and how all it’s really doing is making people like John Kerry and Bill Gates richer. That’s all the green movement will do is replace oil tycoons with alt-energy tycoons while not doing anything to “save the planet”.
She said she’d look for it. Of course it ends with; Too many people on the planet. Fauxi and the jab is working on that though as is eugenics man Gates.