Posted on 11/13/2021 5:57:01 AM PST by Enlightened1
Henry Ruggs, a 22-year-old wide receiver for the Las Vegas Raiders, killed a 23-year-old woman and her dog while drunk driving in the early hours of November 2nd.
Ruggs was driving his Corvette 156 mph before hitting the woman, Tina Tintor, and her dog Max. Following this severe impact, Tintor’s Toyota RAV4 burst into flames, leaving her trapped. Ruggs’ BAC was .161, twice the legal limit.
In a poor attempt to take the heat off their client, Ruggs’ attorneys are now trying to blame the slow response of the firefighters on Tintor’s death. A witness reportedly told the court that firefights were slow to extinguish the burning Toyota, saying “Firemen did not attempt to extinguish the fire at Ms. Tinto’s vehicle for approximately 20 minutes at which time the entire vehicle was engulfed in flames”.
Regardless of the firefighters’ response, Tintor was in the middle of a highway, trapped in a flaming car because of the negligence, recklessness, and blatant disregard for human life by Ruggs.
Unbelievable. He killed her.
This young woman died a horrific death, trapped and screaming while being engulfed in flames from a small fire that started slowly and then picked up while rescuers and witnesses were trying to get her out of the vehicle.
He was vaccinated so he couldn’t possibly be at fault.
Aaron Rodgers is the one in the media spotlight. Not this douche that murdered that poor girl and her dog.
If he sees the light of day outside a prison before he’s 80, it’ll be an injustice.
…..but Aaron Rodgers took ivermectin.
I see a Massachusetts senate run in this man's future.
If the RAV 4 Toyota was one of the electric versions, it may have been very hard to put the fire out. Ruggs should probably get the maximum sentence in any case. What was his excuse for driving that fast? Was alcohol involved?
His BAT level was double the legal limit.
You shoulda crashed in front of the fire station you idiot.
Didn’t read far enough, I guess. It said he was drinking.
This boy must go down ... hard!
Little a-hole came out ok so now some other little a-hole yells “he be playin fo da Raiders”, like that makes a difference.
Screamin’ “WE NEED HEP”!! The poor lady in the car doesn’t need any. SOB needs time in the slammer for vehicular homicide and I’m sure a host of other criminal offenses.
All he needs is an OJ juror...and he walks.
I see this story is on Gateway Pundit. Read by dozens of people around the world! Anybody else reporting this?
Those individuals and bureaucracies responsible for American "justice" have long since lost much of the respect, confidence and trust of American citizens they once held.
It is pretty amazing that both people survived the initial crash. It is too bad that the Corvette did not go up in flames with him, too.
Raiders vs Bengles next weekend. Hope he makes it to the game! ~sarc...Little pissant m-fer.
I bet he will be back on the field next season.
Yep. Sports talk radio.
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