The Real Kim Shady™️
Nov 16, 13:40
🔥🔥🔥Updated 9/30🔥🔥🔥
🚨Has everyone wrapped their heads around the depth of evil and corruption that will be revealed in the following industries/sectors;
➡️ Govt on federal, state, and local levels (Governors, Sec of State, State Legislatures, mayors, clerks, etc.....)
➡️ Medical (including doctors, administrators, insurance, vendors, etc.)
➡️ Big Pharma (deep as ocean)
➡️ Abortion and sub-industries (sickos)
➡️ Law Enforcement (Police, judges, “lawyers”)
➡️ Social “media” (Big Tech)
➡️ Mainstream media (“news” outlets, newspapers, etc.)
➡️ Food (yes, food; research)
➡️ TV; Hollywood, etc. (sold out)
➡️ Shipping (think)
➡️ Banking (lending, credit, etc.)
➡️ Power - (oil, nat gas, electric)
➡️ Street drugs (including OTC; ex: fentanyl; we see you Pfizer)
➡️ Human trafficking (sickos)
➡️ Church / “religion” (hey there “Pope”)
➡️ “Charities” (Red Cross, etc.)
➡️ Schools (teachers, admin, boards, vendors) Yes, vendors; textbooks, etc.
➡️ Organzed crime (deep)
➡️ Military (whoa)
Any many, many others ............
Now, think GLOBALLY ◀️
It’s gonna be absolutely Biblical.
It’s so much more than a 4 year election. Much more. So any time you say “what’s taking so long?” refer to above.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as “follow the money”
Money. Power. Control. Sickness
Great post,all kinds of stuff in play.
***warning dark content***
EP.230 Frequency Weapon. Voice of god Project. It is happening NOW!
Right on Radio CH 2
Discussion of frequency weapons/resonance, including Astroevent. Demonic. Along with freemasony/disney. Jabs. A multifactoral approach. The goal is chilling.
Photos of interest from Astroevent,