That sounds pretty sane to me.
It sounds very sane until you get to the point where you’re peddling unproven, ineffective, and perhaps even dangerous “vaccines” as preventive measures.
I just see the remarks as more vintage Trump trolling of Democrats, he’s probably quite right in saying that a large part of the anti-vaccine movement is a general reaction to the Democrats lying about things in general including the stolen election. I do think there would be just about as many vaccine refusals under Trump as there are under Biden, but then Trump would have the good sense to keep rolling along with a general pro-vax outlook but without mandates or coercion.
Agree with those who said that an even better solution would have been a plan B with more ivermectin and possibly a more proactive recommendation of passive defenses like vitamins and zinc. It seems odd to me that in all of this time, no public health authority has ever made a statement about the obvious benefits of those passive approaches. It is almost as if they want there to be a COVID crisis for their own political reasons.