“Funny, neither of us said that. (Did you make your sarc comment on the original linked article??)”
Sorry, guys. I was responding to the article, not your comments.
"GEOMAGNETIC STORM UPDATE: Earth's magnetic field is reverberating from the impact of a CME during the early hours of Oct. 12th (0230 UT). The blow triggered a G2-class geomagnetic storm--actually, a double storm--which is only now subsiding more than 12 hours later. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as Earth exits the CME's magnetized wake. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.... (More at link!)
"AURORAS IN THE USA: It's been a while. Last night, auroras were sighted in more than a dozen US states after a CME struck Earth's magnetic field. "The G2 geomagnetic storm produced the first visible aurora from coastal Massachusetts since 2017," reports Chris Cook, who snapped this 30-second self portrait around 1am EDT:"
Costal Massachusetts aurora.
Faint aurora in Nebraska.
I am located in a light-noisy suburban area west of KC MO so did not go out to search the northern skies.