The time to take Ivermectin is BEFORE you get sick.
To be fair, if you wait til your sick, it works pretty good too. Cured plenty of peeps around here with the 1% injectable cattle and swine ivermectin. However, I , like you, took it before I got sick... but I never got sick. Shared pillows with, and kissed all over Mrs. homophobe while she was sick...
I've watched it work on a family member in 3 hours--brought back taste and smell. After second dose next day, all symptoms disappeared.
I've also read that old folks already on ventilators are being treated with Ivermectin and recovering fully. It shouldn't be that shocking. Ivermectin was invented to kill one of the nastiest parasites known to medicine, river blindness, and has been in successful use for decades. And the inventors got a Nobel Prize for it.
The official opposition to its use for the Coup Flu is that it works and could spoil the market for Dr. Faustus's poison.