Are the hospital protocols documented anywhere?
If there is one protocol for unvaxxed patients and another protocol for vaxxed patients, then one of those two doesn’t fit Fauci’s framework.
Then, since the hospital has gone off-protocol, they can be sued.
Well Heck how am I supposed to know the answer to that question for all the hospitals in the USA?
I do know about our local health center, and they have procedures and protocols for EVERYTHING - and it is specified exactly what the government and the insurance companies expect.
As far as law suits, if they use ivermectin - the patient lives so who is going to sue them? If they stick with Fauci, they can not be sued.
I personally have my doubts about the story of slipping IVM to patients in order to make the Injected seem to be doing better. However, would some Dr. slip some to a friend or family member? Perhaps.