6) Fraud related to COVID vaccines.
The pharmaceutical industry is the largest advertiser in mainstream media. Journalists who lie* https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/27/fact-check-false-claim-fda-and-pfizers-first-vaccine-dose/7188089002/ about the COVID vaccines and masks are kept in their jobs. The above FDA finding of higher rates of COVID among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated has been confirmed by the FDA, and by Yale University public health professor and epidemiologist Harvey Risch. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/yale-public-health-professor-suggests-60-of-new-COVID-patients-have-received-vaccine
* (The journalist asked me for clarification; I provided her FDA webpage links with proof of the exact quote above, and USA Today published her false story regardless.)
7) The CDC announced a different COVID testing standard for unvaccinated people to deceptively multiply positive results by 4,096 times the positive COVID rate for unvaccinated people.
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/COVID/downloads/Information-for-laboratories-COVID-vaccine-breakthrough-case-investigation.pdf and the propaganda that there is “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” is based on the following sleight of hand: The CDC defines anyone as “unvaccinated” until more than two weeks after their 2nd COVID vaccine. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html Therefore, acute injury, hospitalizations and deaths from the COVID vaccines are deceptively recorded as “unvaccinated.”
Governments are pushing citizens intensely to take COVID vaccines, including with bribes, threats and/or coercion. Millions of people including healthcare workers are taking to the streets protesting these vaccine “mandates.” Are the COVID vaccines genocidal bio-weapons? Or are they the faulty and dangerous tools of attempted medical tyranny by reckless but well-meaning, greater-good-pursuing governments around the world?
Have now posted the article in its entirety so that those who desire not to click link may read article.
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