Most of the Trauma Surgeons were extremely good. I have been directly next to Doctors who were able to insert chest tubes in the wink of an eye. A few years ago, I had 3 chest tubes myself. When they removed them it was strange. It seemed to take forever though I have seen them inserted. To me it is a mystery.
I once had a Pneumothorax and the Docs told me to go home as it will clear up. I just about freaked, though they were proven right.
Anyhow, it is all to me of tremendous interest and I cannot help but be fascinated by all of this stuff.
I do not think that all of my CoWorkers realized just how deeply I was into this stuff. I usually thought that I was in over my head, but I never killed anybody due to incompetence. I just maintained my composure and did my job.
Maybe I will write a book, if I live so long.
where i worked was a county hospital, friday and saturday nights filled emergency room with gang bangers, knifings gunshot wounds car accidents od’s..great learning for residents but i would have gone elswhere if i was seriously ill. experience counts. i remember they gave one stabbing victim something like 28 units of blood before he passed, doc said a waste of good blood...he was right.
i did not get used to the hospital smell and atmosphere of tragedy..first few days i wanted to vomit. fortunately i moved on in 6 months.