Were they given Ivermectin or HCQ?
Why take an experimental vaccine when there are effective treatments for this flu?
The only reason these experimental vaccines are able to be marketed is because they lied about there being no effective treatments available.
They were all probably killed in car accident and reported as COVID. Remember the guy killed on the motorcycle and the death certificate said COVID?
Major fail.
The irony is that TPTB object to HCQ and Ivermectin because they have not been thoroughly tested yet for Covid (although they have certainly had the opportunity to do so) and yet are pushing an experimental vaccine of questionable effectiveness and safety, the very reason they object to the cheaper, easier pills.
WITH ZINC! Ivermectin, HCQ, Quercetin are just ionophores to get the ZINC into your cells which prevents covid replication, which avoids the viral load that kills.
Vitamin D3/K2 Vit C, too. Just vitamins and a food supplement.
Jeez, i am tired.