Is Mike Lindell going to sum up tomorrow? So far it has been blather. Not that many points are not being made but they are skimming past. He needs a big finish. Otherwise he wasted alit of time and money.
Meanwhile, did Arizona issue those subpoenas or are they still “pissing in the wind”?
gisd O
If you look around as I have, on Telegram, on various channels of people who were there and/or understand what’s going on, it is not blather or useless, quite the reverse. I don’t have time to find stuff and post but these channels are useful. Sometimes they forward from other channels that are also useful. Click the links and then click “preview channel”. I am not registered on Teleg and I read there. I’m sure there are other good ones, likely better, but these are a few with news and updates on the symposium. - has short summary of highlights (Seth will likely have more later, he presented at the symposium) - lots here - has a lot, some other news mixed in - good, lots of info
Blather, you say?
Are we to understand that your considered opinion is that hacking each
and every county in EVERY state in a now well understood, falsifiable,
mathematically driven process using the 2010 census and
the voting rolls, is a blathering nothing burger, rather than, say,
a World War Three attack, designed to go along with the Plandemic?