If you look around as I have, on Telegram, on various channels of people who were there and/or understand what’s going on, it is not blather or useless, quite the reverse. I don’t have time to find stuff and post but these channels are useful. Sometimes they forward from other channels that are also useful. Click the links and then click “preview channel”. I am not registered on Teleg and I read there. I’m sure there are other good ones, likely better, but these are a few with news and updates on the symposium.
https://t.me/s/TruthHammer - has short summary of highlights
https://t.me/s/RealSKeshel (Seth will likely have more later, he presented at the symposium)
https://t.me/s/CodeMonkeyZ - lots here
https://t.me/s/praying_medic - has a lot, some other news mixed in
https://t.me/s/ArizonaConservatives/2558 - good, lots of info
catching up