It’s not statistical noise. It’s fact.
Two equal entities: Sweden and Norway-Denmark.
Equal in population, population density, ethnicity
Sweden has 3 times the number of deaths per million.
Sweden didn’t have lockdowns as the other did.
Both entities had the SAME economic downturn.
And btw, Denmark has also ended much of its lockdown.
The results so far shows that Denmark-Norway with its lockdowns kept the SAME economic hit as Sweden but with 3 times LESS deaths.
Death rates between them: 0.1484% vs. 0.0583%
With KNOWN errors in the source data put this into noise territory.
Besides, Norway and Denmark have similar populations - yet Denmark has 3x the death rate of Norway.
You’re arguing that lockdowns and cloth masks work - and you’ve no problem with oppressive and endless government policies. There’s plenty of PhD’s stating neither work and there’s no science to prove they do.
You’re arguing nonsense.