I’m 66 and was vaccinated as a small child but I remember my mom and doctor talking about it was the only one I’d ever need. Recently I read online that people that had it back then probably had enough immunity to combat another smallpox outbreak. I don’t overly fear things like flu, covid, etc. even though at my age with asthma they can get extremely nasty and even life threatening but nothing we have around today compares to smallpox in my opinion. I remember people that had smallpox and polio. Covid is a nasty cold compared to those two.
I vaguely remember having a faint scar in early adulthood from some shot I had as a kid. I’m assuming smallpox. But I’ll be darned if I can find it now, as my skin has so many small white dots on it from the dozens of moles I removed. LOL
My grandpa had polie and was in a leg brace for as long as I can remember.
I had all of the childhood diseases as a kid, but don’t think I ever had the flu, as in influenza. Our family called the 24-hour digestive bug the “flu”, so that’s what I thought it meant for many years, until I learned there was an actual flu that was something different. I’ve never gotten, or plan on getting, a flu shot.
Smallpox had a 30% fatality rate and of course often left victims scarred up, don’t know about other sequelae.