For quite a few years now, we've had two opposite truths on most every subject, from basic biology of X vs Y chromosomes, right down to the meaning of words that had previously remain unchanged for decades or centuries. "Vaccine" for instance.
Tucker has an outlook now that whenever something seems so crazy it can't be true, he's reminded of Alex Jones with all the crazy things he's said having come true. In other words, if you're on the side of sane, mainstream thought, there's a good chance you'll be wrong. If you believe the outliers who go against the grain, even if it sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, there's a pretty good chance you'll be right in the end.
Brave New World
“Tucker has an outlook now that whenever something seems so crazy it can’t be true,..”
Tucker Carlson is feigning rhetorical confusion to make a point. He does it all the time. It is a common debate technique. Tucker might ask the following rhetorical “questions” with a fake puzzled look on his face:
“How can two Ivy League trained Phd experts come to the exact opposite conclusions? They can’t both be right! I’m SO confused!”
“If guns cause violence as the Left insists, then why are rural areas, where everyone has guns, completely devoid of gun violence? I’m SO confused!”
But Tucker is not really confused or puzzled at all. That’s rhetoric. It’s an act. In the first case, he knows exactly why experts can disagree. His real point is that you can’t blindly trust experts just because of their credentials - for one thing, they may well be paid liars.
You need to rely on your rational thought, critical thinking and have a good BS detecter.
In the second hypothetical, Tucker knows exactly why there is no gun violence in rural areas where everyone and his brother own firearms: it is because the premise is a lie - guns don’t cause gun violence - criminals do. Again you need to use your brain - question the premise.
So no - Tucker is not really suggesting we all dismiss logic and common sense, and listen to crazy Q theories.
And I’m not really confused about who is right about vaccines. Logic tells me that it is insane to let Big Pharma use me as a lab rat - and any expert that says otherwise is a paid liar.
In my experience, crazy Q theories have not turned out to be right in the end. The Q people just pick a later date for when their prophecy will come true.
My BS detecter still works just fine.