It seems that he thinks his job is to go after high profile cases that involve white defendants. Where is he when the black gangbangers are shooting up the streets, burning and looting and doing all of the car jackings?
Extra added attraction tomorrow...The Rev. Al Sharpton will be in town (again). It's reported that he will "say a prayer" before Chauvin's sentencing. I'm sure that it will be closer to a screaming fit of rage intending to further incite tension.
Do you see where this is headed?
It doesn't matter what sentence Chauvin receives tomorrow. It's predestined that the Twin Cities will burn al weekend. I'm leaving town tonight.
If businesses and properties were burned down or looted, or people assaulted and killed, it was a result of all those bad actors, and Ellison should pursue, apprehend, and prosecute them.
Most of the effects people felt were from the Burning Looting Mobs that came after Floyd’s death from overdose.
The left has chosen Chauvin as the sacrificial victim as it builds a case for reparations and a complete replacement of Whitey.
All its hate for Whitey is heaped on Chauvin as he is brought to the immolation site. He will be treated far worse than the cop who murdered Justine Damond.
Now we know why the event was hyped so much last year and why the democrats promoted the riots.
Murder ?
Oh, but you are a mean one, Attorney General Keith Ellison. Like The Grinch, you’re like a toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce.
And the comparison is probably being kind.
It doesn’t matter what sentence Chauvin receives tomorrow. It’s predestined that the Twin Cities will burn al weekend. I’m leaving town tonight.
I saw 4 police cars, a drug deal on 9th & Marquette (white guys) and some boarded up windows. Depending on what happens Friday, I’d like to go back to my church...
Ellison needs to take heed of the fact that Portland and Oregon are currently outpacing Minneapolis and Minnesota in the running for “The Most Hellish Dystopia”. What can he do to rectify that situation? Perhaps a totally unconstitutional and absurd sentencing for Chauvin? I’m sure his imagination has been spurred accordingly.
If George would have been in the library he’d still be alive.
Is this the same Keith Ellison who stepped down from the DNC because of a sexual assault claims and told rape victims to contact a therapist, not the police?
I’ll lay money that Chauvin gets more time than Mohammad Noor, the cop who murdered Justine Damond.