In all honesty, that was a VERY hard read. My ex ‘gaslighted’ me for decades. I can’t find ONE thing on that list that he didn’t do. I stuck it out until the kids were grown and I divorced the jerk. I went to see a therapist to get my head on straight, again.
We had exactly TWO sessions. She told me, “There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. You were married to an evil, manipulative jerk!”
And then, I found True Love at age 50, and it’s all been Sunshine and Roses ever since. It can be done; I am Living Proof. Love does NOT have to hurt or make you miserable. In fact, if it DOES, that is NOT Love! :)
Same thing with me and my ex..
She hit 18 out of 20 on that list, and then some..
Divorced her after the kids were grown..
If you really want to know about a nasty disorder, she had OCPD..
Look that one up if you want to be terrified..