Many thankQs for that info!
I’ve done similar but not touched the 401k.
I have socsec and a pension, so had the pension distribution figured so socsec isnt taxed; part of pension goes to IRA and part to the credit union, and any tax on pension gets refunded at the end of the year.
I had my 401K, a pension from Kraft foods that I cashed out, and a pension from Gillette. The Kraft pension paid off the tractor we just bought. LOL The pension from Gillette pays our medical premiums. I have both of us covered by my P&G retiree health insurance. That with Medicare pretty well takes care of us. My stock account is my profit sharing from Proctor & Gamble. I sold some twice while Trump was in office because I made back everything I took out in a month. After Biden got in I sold enough to get my new SUV. My truck is 21-years old and still going strong but I knew it was a matter of time. We gave my husband’s truck to the son-in-law and my husband took my truck. I was afraid that if I didn’t get one now that four years of Biden would see me with no stock account.