Totally agreed.
> We all hated hybrids, but there are some out there, and many here even support them now.
To paraphrase you, "hybrids are appropriate for some, not everyone."
I have a pickup with a 5.7L V8 and an 8-ft bed that'll take a 4x8 sheet flat. It's also my snowplow vehicle that can clear my half-mile gravel driveway on a wooded hill in Upstate NY. It spends most of the winter with heavy chains on the rear wheels.
I also have a hybrid passenger car. It can't carry plywood or plow snow. But it gets nearly 4x the gas mileage as the pickup. Guess which one I use to drive to the grocery store. "Appropriate" is the keyword.
All-electric vehicles have a good way to go in their development before I'll consider one. Right now, it's not appropriate.
How many feet of snow will a fully-charged "lectric" truck be able to plow before dying?
You may have invented a new EV term: "plow feet".