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To: SaveFerris


12 posted on 05/16/2021 5:25:24 AM PDT by Conservat1
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To: Conservat1
The Times Herald
Port Huron, Michigan
11 Dec 1941, Thu  •  Page 3
Hitler Tells Mufti to Get Tough

The Rock Island Argus
Rock Island, Illinois
13 Dec 1941, Sat  •  Page 11
Official German picture radioed from Berlin shows Adolf Hitler receiving Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Moslem leader, grand mufti of Jerusalem and British-hater: Mufti received conversations important to Arabian nations.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England on July 14, 1942 · 6
The United States enjoys a high prestige m the Middle East.. concrete evidence of American association with the Allies has possibly done more than anything else to convince the Middle East that "Abu Ali " the Arab name for Hitler is a false god.


Battle Creek Enquirer
Battle Creek, Michigan
09 Jun 1946, Sun  •  Page 1

Exiled Arab Chief 'Escapes' From France PARIS (U.R) The pro-Nazi grand mufti or Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini, has secretly "escaped" from France, the French press agency reported last night, but officiais at the ministry of interior asserted there was nothing clandestine about his departure. 
The press agency said officials started an inquiry to determine how the mufti, one of the most ruthless and ambitious of Arab politicians, had slipped out of the country. At the ministry, however, a spokesman said the mufti never had been under arrest and was free to come and go as he pleased. The news agency revealed no details other than that the mufti, an arch-conspirator and personal friend of Adolf Hitler, was headed for an unknown destination. This, political observers said, undoubtedly was the Middle East, probably Saudi Arabia or Palestine. Rumors of the mufti's reappearance in the Middle East through a negotiated "escape" have been recurrent for months. His actual arrival there, observers said, might touch the match to the political tinder in Palestine. Haj Amin. although created "mufti" by a British high commissioner, is rabidly anti-British and anti-Jewish. 
To the Arab world. Haj Amin is an unparalleled political leader. To the non-Arab world, his record Includes unsuccessful intrigue and abortive revolt which he inflamed in Palestine. Iran and Iraq. 
The Yugoslavs have named him as a war criminal for his part in collaborating with Heinrich Himmler in formation of the Arab Legion, Moslem organization used by the Nazis to police Yugoslavia during the occupation. The Jews have accused him of helping plan the extermination of 6.000.000 Jews in Europe.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania · Page 22
The Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, August 20, 1958
Page 22
Hitler Popular In Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq ... would be gratifying days for Abu Ali, if he were alive to enjoy them. But it's a little late, if Abu Ali is Adolf Hitler. That's what the Iraqis called him. 
His suddden return to popularity in these parts is only Hitler one of the queer twists the recent chain reaction of revolutions has imposed on the Middle East. 
Others include some unofflcial private joshing between the Commander of the United States Sixth Fleet, Vice Adm. Charles (Cat) Brown, and the ex-Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saeb Salam, now a rebel chief.

But first Abu Ali Hitler. He made a big hit with many Arabs a couple decades back chiefly because they approved his attitude ' toward Jews and Englishmen. 
Perhaps his top fan in Iraq was Rashid Ali GaylanI, who for a few months in 1941 dominated the country after an anti-British coup... German planes flew In Nazi "volunteers" to help. Looking for a hero name for the man who sent them, Iraqis hit on "Abu Ali." which means "Father of Ali," namely Rashid Ali Gaylani. 
Later the same year British troops routed GaylanI and his German forces, re-imposing pro-British government which lasted until the coup of last month. And who should turn up in the new regime but at least three veterans of the GaylanI attempt 17 years ago. 
"It wasn't nice of Mr. Dulles to call us Communists," said one major plotter, deeply offended. "Actually I'm a Nazi." Abdel Karim Kassem. the new Prime Minister-himself a GaylanI survivor-gave his first interview to a group of German newsmen and even paid cable tolls for their stories to Bonn. Scenting business opportunities in this, Baghdads West German businessmen urged quick Bonn recognition of the new Iraqi government "before Japan beats us to it." ..


Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine - 
Volume 8 of Publications of the Ludwigsburg Research Unit, Stuttgart University,
Volume 8 of Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle Ludwigsburg der Universität Stuttgart - Klaus-Michael Mallmann, Martin Cüppers - Translated by Krista Smith - Enigma Books, 2013,+for+the+Mufti+of+Jerusalem,+the+leader+of+the+Arab


The Hitler Book
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, John Sigerson — 1984 · Biography & Autobiography
It was later adopted, however, in the form of the 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact.

One of the most important advocates of this alliance was Hitler's personal secretary, Martin Bormann, who is often rumored to have been a Soviet agent. But the policy was also supported by Von Sebottendorf and a key geopolitical strategist of the Third Reich, Prof. Karl Haushofer. Under such ...
Under such influences, Hitler, who had written in Mein Kampf that he considered the Arabs an “inferior race,” was induced to change his attitude, especially after his meeting with the blond and blue-eyed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Hitler decided to back the Grand Mufti, and after the meeting proclaimed that there were many similarities between Nazism and the Islam of the Mufti. No wonder that an Arab delegation sent to Hitler in the mid-1930s stated that if the Arabs not been defeated in 732 at Poitiers, then "Islam would have certainly taken over Europe. The German tribes would have been converted, and there is no doubt at all that the Muslim-Germanic tribe would have represented the spearhead of the Islamic movement. Islam is tailor-made for the Germans.” 

Hitler took up these ideas in many of his musings on religion, declaring on one occasion that “We have the bad luck to have the wrong religion. Why don't we have the religion of the Japanese? ... Even Islam would more suited us than Christianity...."

Ahmed Huber, in his recent recollections of the meeting between Hitler and the Grand Mufti, explained briefly that the Grand Mufti had attempted to do everything conceivable to induce Hitler to convert to Islam, "in order to make him realize that his goals could be better served through a universal community of belief; but Hitler was not smart enough to understand this..." 

The Third Reich and the War

When the war was declared, the Third Reich had at its disposal numerous organizations in the Middle East. The most important of these was the Party of the Arab Nation of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This was a secret organization which had branches throughout the entire region and which worked for the unification of the Arab nation under the leadership of the Grand Mufti. The concept resembled that if the Baath Party founded in the early 1940s by Michel Aflaq who is said to have been strongly influenced by the Grand Mufti and by Nazism. 
In Palestine itself, a key ally of the Mufti's party was the old Temple Society, which had been founded in Stuttgart in 1856 as a splinter group of the German Lutheran Church under the influence of the later Anthroposophs. 

The Temple Society was an association of German settlers in Palestine who believed they were the chosen people who could return Palestine to its ancient splendor.

Although they were looked upon with suspicion during the days of the empire, the order was later instrumental in altering the Third Reich's initial idea of banishing all Jews to Palestine. Several delegations of the Society traveled to Berlin to strongly protest against the immigration of Jews into the region, and they shared the Mufti's opposition to the establishment of Jewish settlements.

In alliance with the British Protectorate of Palestine, the Temple Society and the Mufti saw to it that the numerous ships filled with Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazis via Bulgarian and Romanian ports were all turned back. This was a replication of the racist policy of the Harriman's Eugenics Research Association, which oversaw the drastic curtailment of Jewish immigration into the United States, and who in one instance turned back a ship full of Jewish refugees. sending them to certain death.

Another fascist organization was the secret society of the “Golden Square” under Rashid Ali Geilani in Iraq. In Egypt, there were the Young Men's Muslim Association and the Workers' Syndicate led by King Farouk's uncle, Prince Abbas Hilmi; the Green Shirt movement of Ahmed Hussein and Mohammed Ali Alaba, the theoretician behind the idea of a Great Nile Kingdom; and the Young Egypt movement. In the Syrian-Lebanese region, the Arab clubs had been established as early as the 1930s as a vehicle for Nazi propaganda. 
In 1937 these clubs invited the leader of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach, on a journey to the region. 

A good indication of the atmosphere on the eve of the Second World War is a declaration of Sami al-Jundi, leader of the Syrian Baath Party and the League of Nationalist Action, a pan-Arabist pro-Nazi organization in Damascus: 
We are fascinated by Nazism, we study its writings and intellectual sources--especially Nietzsche, Fichte, and [Houston Stewart] Chamberlain.
And we are the first to have seriously considered translating Mein Kampf. Anyone who lives in Damascus can appreciate the force of attraction Nazism exerts upon the Arabic people, and Nazism's ability to rouse the people to action. It is totally natural that the vanquished admires the vanquished.... 

How Nazi thought was transplanted into the Arabic movement is expressed in a declaration by Dr. Sami Shawkat, the mid-1930s Director General of Education in Baghdad: 
There is something more important than money and learning, which preserves the honor of a nation and prevents its debasement. This is strength.... Strength, as I use the word here, signifies the overcoming of death . . . . Sixty years ago Prussia dreamed of uniting the German people. What is there to prevent Iraq, which fulfilled its longing for independence ten years ago, from now realizing the dream of unifying all the Arab countries together?


Samuel Rolbant, "The Arabs: Politics and People", Amal Publications, 1948. pp.24-25

The attempts Britain had made to meet what were considered legitimate Arab political demands were interpreted as symptoms of fatal weakness; and British propaganda on Nazi brutality only served to confirm Arab belief in Germany ' s strength and the wisdom of being on her side. Thus, even the few pro-British Arab leaders felt obliged to conceal their opinions and to pose as anti - British , in order not to forfeit the support of their following.

Significant evidence as to the way the Arab world felt during the war has been given by an 'Englishman particularly qualified to speak, Glubb Pasha , Commander of the Transjordan Arab Legion. Discussing the Iraqi revolt of 1941, he wrote: 
The British, of course, always knew we were going to win the war, but at the time of these operations every Arab was perfectly convinced that Britain was finished for ever, and that it could only be a question of weeks before Germany took over Arabia. The Iraqis were perfectly sure of this or they would not have declared war on us...“ 

In brief, during the six weeks before the fall of Baghdad, every Arab was convinced that we were done for. Every Arab force previously organised by us mutinied and refused to fight for us, or faded away in desertions. The men of the Arab Legion alone not only stood firmly by us, but played a most active, energetic and valuable part in our little campaign."
(Appendix to Somerset De Chair's "Golden Carpet") Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the Lebanon did not declare war on Germany until February 1945, when the end of hostilities was imminent and victory had become absolutely certain. These declarations of war at the eleventh hour were merely formal, since none of these states took any direct part in military operations. 

The declarations were obviously aimed at securing seats in the United Nations Organization in the establishment of which at San Francisco only those nations were permitted to participate which had declared war on the Axis before March 1, 1945.

One Arab principality did declare war on Germany as early as 1939. It was Transjordan which was under British mandatory rule and was not independent, having to rely mainly, as it still does, on grants - in - aid from the British Government, which also maintains the country's military force , the Arab Legion.
Iraq declared war in January, 1943, after the reversal of the fortunes of war at El-Alamein had proved definite.
This declaration was clearly motivated by the need to atone for the stab in the back Iraq had given the Allied cause in 1941.
The general attitude of the - Arab States was a reflection of the long - standing relationship between certain Arab circles and the Axis Powers.

The trips by Arab students to Germany and Italy, the visits of German politicians and agents to the Arab East, the flow to Arab countries of money and of Arabic newspapers and magazines from Germany and Italy, the propaganda broadcasts in Arabic by the radio stations of the Axis - all these activities had over the years created the state of affairs which was exploited during the war. In the case of Palestine, it is by now generally acknowledged that the Arab Riots of 1936 – 1939 were stimulated and subsidized by Nazi and Fascist sources.
The Mufti of Jerusalem through his agent in Geneva, Emir Shekib Arslan, was in contact with Mussolini years before the war. Some of their intercepted correspondence was published as early as 1935 in Arab papers opposed to the Mufti.

In Syria and the Lebanon connections between certain groups of Syrian leaders and the Axis States were of long standing.

There were a number of strong pre-war Arab - Nazi organizations — the Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc, member of the Syrian Parliament to this day); the League for National Action (headed by Abu al-Huda al-Yafi, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others); the An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd al-Fattah al-Imam); the “Councils for the Defence of Arab Palestine” (headed by well - known pro - Nazi leaders, such as Nabih al-Azma, Adil Arslan and others); the “Syrian National Party” (led by the Fascist Anton Saada, who escaped during the war to the Germans and was sent by them to the Argentine). The National Bloc, the principal party in Syria, and more particularly the Istiqlal group (headed by Shukri al - Kuwatli, now President of the Syrian Republic) had for many years been openly pro-Nazi. 

Before the war, Baldur von Schirach , leader of the Hitlerjugend, visited Syria on a special mission and established close contact with these circles and with the Arab youth organisation.

In Iraq , xenophobia has long been characteristic of the political mentality of the country's leaders , and even the so - called pro-British group was not entirely free of it. The Army played an important part both in domestic and foreign policy, and it was entirely pro-Nazi before the war. In Iraq, as in Syria, there were a number of pro-Nazi clubs and associations which were in contact with the German Ambassador, Dr. Grobba. Among them may be mentioned the Al-Muthanna Club, founded by Dr. Amin Ruweiha, Said Thabit and others, and the Al-Futuwa Club , which sent delegates to the Nuremberg rallies. 
In the early part of the war, Iraqi politicians had relations with the German ambassadors in Baghdad and Ankara. Von Papen's top contact man with Middle Eastern Arab circles was the well-known Iraqi politician, Naji Shawkat.
At the beginning of the war there were a considerable number of political emigrés in Iraq; most of them had come from Palestine, were violently anti-British and had close connections with the Germans. These included Haj Amin al-Husseini, Jamal al-Husseini, Munif al-Husseini, Daud al-Husseini, Is'haq as-Salah al-Husseini, Amin Tamimi, Hasan Abu Saud, Fawzi Qauqji, Izz - ad - Din ash-Shawa, Is'haq Darwish, Dr. Amin Ruweiha, Salim Abd ur - Rahman, Darwish Maqdadi and many others.
With the help of the Iraqi Government , some of them had become civil servants and teachers in Iraq, and were thus in a position to propagate their doctrines among the masses of the people. 

Haj Amin al-Husseini, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, was the central figure in the group. When he had come to Iraq from Syria in mid-October, 1939, he was received by Nuri Said, then Prime Minister of Iraq, with the state pomp and ceremony usually accorded a visiting hero. 
On October 22nd, Nuri Said gave an official banquet in his honour, attended by members of the Cabinet, the Presidents of the House of Representatives and the Senate, Rashid Ali el Kailani, and many other notables. This was the first of a series of similar receptions and celebrations, attended among others, by Taha el Hashimi, Minister of Defence, and Ali Jawdat el Ayyubi, at present Iraqi Minister to Washington.
The hospitality of the Iraqi Government did not end with these banquets. The ex-Mufti was voted voted £18,000 by the Iraqi Parliament and was further paid the sum of £1,000 a month out of the Iraqi Secret Service Funds in addition to the...

WHEN HITLER BECAME ABU ALI - 07/06/2002 [Miami Herald]
Forty years ago last week, SS-Oberstumbannfuehrer Adolf Eichmann was executed in Israel. He had been arrested at the end of World War II and confined to an American internment camp, but he managed to escape to Argentina. He lived there for 10 years under the name Ricardo Klement until Israeli secret agents abducted him in 1960 and spirited him to Israel.

Eight months after his trial opened in Jerusalem, Eichmann was found guilty of crimes against humanity and the Jewish people and was sentenced to death. He was executed on May 31, 1962; his remains were cremated and the ashes scattered over the Mediterranean Sea — outside Israeli waters. This is the only case in which the death penalty has been carried out in Israel.
Eichmann's record is notorious. He was the head of the Department for Jewish Affairs in the Gestapo from 1941 to 1945 and was chief of operations in sending three million Jews to the extermination camps. After the war, he became one of the most sought-out Nazi fugitives.

The international community condemned Israel's kidnapping of Eichmann, but it was nonetheless able to see the justice in, and legitimacy of, Israel's action. The trial itself, marked by strict adherence to legal procedure, elicited worldwide admiration, and the Nazi's execution was seen everywhere as a crucial vindication in the post-Holocaust era.

Everywhere, that is, but in the Arab world. There, Eichmann's capture, trial and execution were condemned, and Eichmann was venerated as a "martyr." The Jordanian daily A-Ra' ai praised him for exterminating "members of the race of dogs and monkeys." The Saudi periodical Al-Bilar saluted him for his courage. The Lebanese newspaper Al-Anwar published a cartoon lamenting the fact that the Nazi officer had not killed more Jews.

But let us view this Arab beatification of Eichmann in its proper historical context.
When Hitler took power in 1933, telegrams of congratulations were dispatched from Arab capitals. In 1937, Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels praised the Arabs' "national .. conscience," noting that "Nazi flags fly in Palestine and they adorn their houses with Swastikas and portraits of Hitler." In 1943, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, spoke highly of the ''natural alliance that exists between the National-Socialism of Great Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the world."

Pro-German parties and youth movements attuned to the trappings of National-Socialism sprouted in Syria, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Even Nazi slogans were translated into Arabic. A Mideast song popular in the late 1930s crooned: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister. In Heaven Allah, on Earth Hitler." The Fuehrer himself was even Islamicized under the new name of Abu Ali.

Love of Nazism spread like wildfire in the region. Among the many Nazi sympathizers at the time were Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and president of the Arab Higher Committee; Ahmed Shukairi, first chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization; Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, who became presidents of Egypt; Islamic fundamentalist leaders; and the founders of the Pan-Arab socialist Ba'ath party, currently ruling Syria and Iraq. (One Ba'ath leader proudly recounted: "We were racists, admiring Nazism, reading their books and sources of their thought. We were the first who thought of translating Mein Kampf").
Praise for Hitler among Arabs did not vanish after the war. In 1965, a Moroccan commentator on Middle East affairs wrote this in the French magazine Les Temps Modernes: "A Hitlerian myth is being cultivated on a popular level. Hitler's massacre of the Jews is eulogized. It is even believed that Hitler did not die. His arrival is longed for."

In mid-2001, an Egyptian columnist wrote in the government-sponsored Al-Akhbar: "Thank you, Hitler, of blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians avenged in advance against the most vile criminals on Earth." Two months later, Egypt's Press Syndicate awarded this writer its highest distinction.
Since Hitler's ascent to power in 1933, the Arabs have been adulating Nazism. It seems that some things never change — or perhaps some things do. Now the Arabs accuse the Jews of being Nazis. In this way, Hitler's loyal fans are equating the primary victims of his genocide with the Nazi executioners themselves.

The defining expression of chutzpah is a man who murders his parents and then begs the jury for pity on the grounds that he is an orphan. But the Arabs' perverse historical and moral inversion requires a new definition for the term. For chutzpah cannot sufficiently represent this incredible gall.
Julián Schvindlerman is a political analyst and journalist in Washington D.C.

OCTOBER 23, 2015 12:05 PM
The Mufti and the Holocaust, Revisited
by Ben Cohen /

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Photo: German Federal Archives via Wikimedia Commons. – “If a man was a Jew, it was good enough for him to be killed or stamped out,” wrote a senior British official serving abroad to his superiors in London in 1929.
From where was this gentleman—Major Alan Saunders—writing his dispatch? From Munich or Berlin or any of the other German cities where Hitler’s Nazi Party was gaining supporters and street thugs? In fact, no. Major Saunders was the head of the British Police in Palestine during the mandate period, and his statement concerned the massacre by Arabs, in August 1929, of 69 Jews in Hebron, a city where their community had been a consistent presence for at least two millennia.

I was reminded of Major Saunders’s pithy summary of the motive behind the Hebron pogrom when news broke of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, in which he essentially argued that it was the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who crystallized the idea of the mass extermination of the Jews in Adolf Hitler’s mind. But before I talk about the controversy that followed these comments, I want to make a couple of more general observations by way of introduction.

The first is that while Hitler unarguably remains the most powerful and devastating anti-Semite to ever hold state power, he was far from the only one at that time to approach the “Jewish question” in exterminationist terms. As Major Saunders related from faraway Palestine, about an episode that presaged the Nazi atrocities that were to follow in Germany and then in occupied Europe and North Africa, the same hatred of Jews simply for being Jews was in painful evidence there. For there were thousands, even millions, of ordinary people in Europe and the Middle East who regarded the Jews as a social and religious poison and wanted them—all of them—dead. In that sense, the Fuhrer was their representative and their master.

The second is that, as an Israeli Jew, Netanyahu is naturally sensitive to the Palestinian Arab dimension of the broader issue of collaboration with the Nazis, something I can relate to. As a kid, I remember sitting around my grandfather’s table with his relatives from Bosnia—men with sad eyes and the muscles and paunches of retired boxers, who had spent their youths in the Socialist-Zionist Hashomer Hatzair movement, graduating to fight with Marshal Tito’s communist partisans against the Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia that began in 1941. Men who, I realized with awe, had actually killed some of these Nazis that I’d seen in the movies.

And yet, when they spoke about the war, their anger really flowed when they remembered the locals who had assisted the Germans. Like Netanyahu now, what they found hardest to stomach was the spectacle of those non-Jews who lived alongside them collaborating with the Nazi extermination program.

In the pantheon of Nazi collaborators, Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini is right up there with Pavelic in Croatia, Petain in France, Horthy in Hungary, and all the other quislings—their name comes from the collaborationist leader in Norway, Vidkun Quisling—who implemented Hitler’s will. It was, ironically, the British authorities who appointed him to his position in 1921. During the 1929 massacre in Hebron, as during the openly anti-Semitic 1936-39 Arab revolt in Palestine, al-Husseini proved himself a confirmed Jew-hater and the natural ally of Hitler in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

It wasn’t until November 1941 that the Mufti met Hitler in person. Significantly, in the view of many historians, that encounter in Berlin took place two months before the Wannsee conference, where leading Nazis led by Hitler’s security chief, Reinhard Heydrich, plotted the implementation of the “Final Solution”—the extermination of the Jews.

In the official German record of their discussions (not an exact transcript, but a summary of what was said), it was clear that both Hitler and the Mufti were already in agreement that the Holocaust had to be visited upon the Jews. For his part, the Mufti expressed his appreciation of Germany’s commitment to the “elimination of the Jewish national home,” while Hitler restated his “active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine, which was nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests.”

For good measure, the Fuhrer added that “Germany was also aware that the assertion that the Jews were carrying out the functions of economic pioneers in Palestine was a lie. The work there was done only by the Arabs, not by the Jews”—a slander that could easily be expressed in the exact same words by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that targets the “Jewish national home” in our own time.
That last point highlights a critical factor which the furore around Netanyahu’s speech—much of it generated by visceral opponents of Israel who only talk about the Holocaust when it justifies their backing of Palestinian violence against Jews now—has largely missed.

During the 1930s, both Germany and Palestine were the sites of mob violence, boycotts, and discriminatory laws and regulations against Jews. The Nazi consolidation of power in the 1930s was what enabled them to launch their campaign of war and genocide at the end of that decade.

Had Palestine been conquered by the Germans from the British, there is no doubt that the Mufti would have been installed as the local quisling, and that the entire Jewish population would have been shipped to concentration and death camps in Europe—assuming that the Germans and their Arab militias didn’t build similar camps in the vicinity, of course. That was the mutual vision expressed in Berlin in 1941, the distinctly Arab contribution to the achievement of the “Thousand Year Reich.”
As the German historian Matthias Kuentzel has noted, the 700,000 Jews in the Middle East were in Hitler’s sights when he received the Mufti.

“As Hitler envisaged it, after the assault on the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht would also occupy the Caucasus and so open the way to the Middle East…Part of this scenario was the killing of the Jews,” Kuentzel writes. Even though this grand ambition failed, the Mufti was still able, as the prominent Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer put it, to be “an active partner in devising the Final Solution.” The Mufti also played a role in its implementation, raising three SS divisions composed of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in the western Balkans.

Nor did the Mufti forget Palestine. The Israeli scholar Edy Cohen has revealed how, in May 1943, he blocked a deal agreed to by the British and the Germans to allow 4,000 Jewish children to enter Palestine in exchange for 20,000 German prisoners of war, while in 1944, he parachuted a terror cell into Tel Aviv with the intention of poisoning the local water supply.

The Mufti, disgracefully, escaped the Nuremburg Trials of Nazi war criminals, and ended his days in Beirut in 1974. His legacy survives in the daily incitement against Jews that emanates from Palestinian official and social media. So, when considering the latest Netanyahu controversy, please remember this: Those Holocaust scholars who criticized Netanyahu’s speech nonetheless recognize the fundamental, bitter fact of Palestinian anti-Semitism and the Mufti’s position in fomenting it. It is the Palestinian leadership and their supporters—who have neither offered an apology nor reparations for the Mufti’s crimes against the Jews—who don’t.

Ben Cohen, senior editor of & The Tower Magazine, writes a weekly column for on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern politics. His writings have been published in Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. He is the author of “Some of My Best Friends: A Journey Through Twenty-First Century Antisemitism” (Edition Critic, 2014).


Ahmad Shukairy [Shukeiri]

Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies, Cass books on the Middle East, Elie Kedourie, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Psychology Press - 1964 - Page 189

Shuqayri began to be active in Palestinian Arab politics in the early 1930s ... whether or not they were politically wise—Shuqayri was expressing the attitudes and feelings  of his countrymen... 

He describes the great excitement with which they used to listen to German and Italian broadcasts, how he would follow during the night the military communiqués, marking on a map the places being occupied by the victorious Germans and meet his friends the following morning to discuss triumphs exceeding those of the previous day: Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain...

News1, Mar 13, 2015 - Uri Milstein

The Truth About the War of Independence: Poor Preparations - Chapter 19 ... In the Chapter: Israeli Arabs Supported Nazi Germany in World War II ...

Ahmad Shukeiri testified: "Our sympathy was with the Axis powers. Hitler led from victory to victory. We prayed for the victory of Germany and its allies and the defeat of Britain and its allies..."
News1 מחלקה ראשונה] Mar 13, 2015


Palestine - Volumes 1-5 - American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946, pp.1-2
(Palestine - Volumes 1-5 - Page v) Vol.2, No. 9, 10
November-December, 1945 [...]
Seeing that all those pogromists, rebels and Axis agents are now allowed to sit on the Arab Higher Committee, that one of them, Mr. Shukeiri, who fled from Palestine with the Mufti, represents the Arab League in Washington, that all of them are treated with the greatest respect and reverence by the leaders of the democratic world, one must feel that the last six years were a dream, a very bad dream which has not yet ended.

The Husseinis, the family of the Jerusalem ex-Mufti, have overpowered the Nashashibis and the more moderate elements among the Arab notables. 

In the process of forcing the moderates to their knees, a few of the latter were killed by the Mufti's bandits, others were intimidated, and thus "unity" among the Arabs of Palestine was achieved and widely proclaimed. The ruling families have made a deal between them, and the masses of the people will be ordered to abide by that deal or intimidated into doing so...,+who+fled+from+Palestine+with+the+Mufti%22


Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 107, Part 24 -  United States. Congress - U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961 (p.5735)

[Warmongering at  U.N.
Extension of remarks 
by Hon. Lester Holtzman
In the House of Representatives
Wednesday, July 26, 1961]
In 1958 the society issued a special release exposing Shukairy's political background. ...

In our special release we pointed out that the parallel was not as coincidental as it seemed "for Mr. Shukairy was the righthand man of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's most cooperative Arab agent." The ex-Mufti was a specialist in organizing pogroms against the Jews and he quickly became a favorite of Hitler. During World War II the ex-Mufti utilized Nazi propaganda facilities to incite the Arabs against the Allies. 

Mr. Shukairy himself came to the United States in 1945 and established the “Arab Office” which, for all intents and purposes, served as a propaganda outlet in the US for the anti-democratic Policies of the ex-Mufti. In 1946, Shukairy Joined the Arab higher committee which was also headed by the ex- Mufti. 

Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists ed by the ex-Mufti.

This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the Hitler-Stalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists and went all out for Hitler.


Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 110, Part 22, United States. Congress, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964 - p.524-5

(Trouble in the Middle East 
Extension of Remarks 
In the Senate of the United States 
Monday, February 3, 1964)
Shukairy has had a remarkable history . As has been revealed... he worked with the Nazis in the Middle East and was a henchman of the notorious Mufti of Jerusalem ...

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States. Congress.
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965 - Law. Page 456

Ahmed Shukairy, the self-proclaimed spokesman for the Arab refugees — a man who worked for the Nazis and their henchmen during World War II...

Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186 - Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1965 - p.9
La guerra o la paz en el Madio Este puede depender en gran parte de éstos dos árabes: El Presidente Nasser, de la República Árabe Unida, y de Ahmad Shukairy, quien no encabeza a ningún país pero...dirigir a una fuerza de guerilla
 ...Shukairy cooperó con el Partido Comunista de Palestina, dirigido por Moscú antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 

Sin embargo, después que Hitler atacó a Rusia y a los comunistas en todo el mundo cambió posiciones, el feroz e impredeclble Shukairy se alineo con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios.]

[War or peace in the Middle East may depend largely on these two Arabs: President Nasser of the United Arab Republic and Ahmad Shukairy, who does not lead any country but ... (can) lead a guerilla force   ... However, after Hitler attacked Russia and communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler for his anti-Jewish programs.

The Detroit Jewish News. Friday, February 03, 1967. Page 9
Antiwar Group Warns Public of PLO Leader Shukairy
(Direct JTA Teletype Wire - to The Jewish News)
NEW YORK — In a letter to the editor published in Wednesday's New York Times, Dr. Albert Simard, secretary of the Society for the Prevention of World War Three warns of the "dangerous" background and activities of Ahmed Shukairy, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization who, he said, had expressed hatred of the West.

Recalling the pro-Hilter activities "highest levels of government" of Shukairy when he was associated with the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

Dr. Simard said, that the Arab terrorist leader "also played a most active role in keeping tensions white hot in the Middle East and inciting the Arabs against the West." ...

Noting the PLO's announced purpose of "organizing international guerilla..." Dr. Simard cited the organization's close relationship with Communist China...

In an article published in the latest issue of the society's magazine, "Prevent World War Three," the society called on the United States to withdraw all support from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees if the UNRWA does not adjust its relief operations to ensure that no PLO guerillas are beneficiaries.


Behind Britain's Zion Conspiracy - By Bernard Lerner - The Detroit Jewish News July 12, 1946.  Page 2 
Out in Jerusalem, in an office situated ironically on Bethlehem Road, where, according to Jewish legend Mother Rachel weeps at midnight over the plight of her children, the people of Israel, I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not have been all wrong," and warned that his side was ready to "play along with Moscow." They always play along, the Husseini-Shukeiri mob. Outside the Young Men's Christian Association building in Jerusalem, where the hearings of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee were being held at the time, I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri (he being Shukeiri's chief) of playing along with Moscow, and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews "for Hitler couldn't be all wrong... you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question..." Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d'etat to gauleiter the Middle East for Hitler..

July 12, 1946
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle from Milwaukee, Wisconsin · Page 7 British Actions in Palestine By Bernard Lerner 
... rebellion in Iraq against the war-shattered Allies; when his aide-de-camp, Jamal el Husseini, assisted the Mufti in a coup d'etat to help the Axis wrest the Mediterranean from the democratic powers, Moshe Shertok, chief of the Jewish Agency's Political Department was traveling across the face of Palestine ... 

I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office who restituted in his conversation the words of Goebbel, the murder of six million Jews ... I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri (he being Shukeiri's chief) ... and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews "for Hitler couldn't be all wrong . . . you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question." Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well, that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d'etat in an effort to gauleiter the Middle East into Hitler's Welt-Raum scheme. And now those gentlemen have been joined by a third. It is a matter of minutes and they get straight through to Cairo for instructions from Haj Amin el Husseini, the former Mufti of Jerusalem... According to Jewish legend Mother Rachel weeps at midnight over the plight of her children, the people of Israel...
Behind the British Conspiracy ⁩ — ⁨⁨B'nai B'rith Messenger. 12 July, 1946, p.6
... Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab office , who restituted in his conversation the words of Goebbels, justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not be all wrong."

13 posted on 05/16/2021 7:30:08 AM PDT by Conservat1
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