I understand we have problems. In some cases, the problems as I understand them are common with many. After that something frightening to you may not move my needle much. And of course the inverse. That’s why vagueness is harmful. If anyone doesn’t have a clear understanding of the problem, the solution and our role in it, then it’s chaos. I’ve never seen the plan clearly articulated along with my role, your role or my neighbors role. .
What makes a great movie.
You are watching a movie.
Enjoy the show.
Answer enough?
I can see you don’t understand the problem.
Problem solving is not a new discipline in the history of man. But it seems it might be a process you need to learn, or perhaps review.
In all fairness, you brought this upon yourself when you asked for the plan. But you should have known a plan is a solution to a problem and in the discipline of problem solving you can’t know the plan without understanding the problem.
When I ask you to articulate your understanding of the problem, it’s not a request to see if you can produce low IQ tactics of diversion or distraction, or something that artificially gives the appearance of complicating a topic that’s not complicated. Least of all, low IQ Alinsky methods.
Just state your understanding of the problem.