The levels that the rot has reached do not bode well for our future.
They are true believers.
All of the above?
A few are crooks that are compromised and the rest cowards.
Cowards? politically most certainly
Crooks? unlikely but not inconceivable
Compromised? Very likely in one or two cases
For whatever reasoning they worked out in their hapless brain.. they too wanted Trump out. Except for Thomas... he hasn’t lost TRUTH .. he keeps his values and judges on those grounds.
he is much like Reinquist.
The coup was to rid the ‘sophisticated ‘in Washington from this man who refused to be brought under their control.
their love for elitism and kingly status, is all that matters. no time or care for the people..
1. His description of the Supreme Court as a “coequal branch” of government with the President and Congress makes no sense in this context. He’s using this argument to make the case that every branch of the Federal and state governments should DEFER to the Supreme Court as the SOLE ARBITER of disputes related to presidential elections.
2. Using the 2000 election case as a “precedent” that justifies — even necessitates — Supreme Court involvement in national elections is a bad idea. The Supreme Court greatly exceeded its authority in that case even though it was correct in its main ruling.
For the life of me, I can’t imagine why any intelligent conservative would want Federal courts involved in ANY matter of consequence.
This is nothing new. For decades, SCOTUS refused to hear cases on the right to keep and bear arms, where the Circuit Courts applied Supreme Court precedent for the opposite of what the precedent said.
Institutional failure, or institutional success? That depends on one’s motive. I see the the Supreme Court as having done great damage to the US constitution. It is intellectually dishonest, but gets away with this by applying the legal rule that its decisions are the last word on what “constitutional” means.
This body hallucinated abortion and homosexual marriage into the constitution.
Failure to explore credible claims of election fraud is not unexpected. It’s a “hot button” issue, and the court prefers the result that cheating delivered.
I vote for all three.
All 3.
The Supreme Court in my opinion was given the opportunity to make some of the most fundamental opinions in the nation’s history regarding the election. They chose poorly and they are now irrelevant and Americans need to simply look at them as nullified and moot. Bet on the fact that 2A cases written by the leftards lawyers are ready to fly. I think the Constitution is nothing but toilet paper to the left and the Supreme Court is no better than typical sh*t hole country courts.
Not if Dominion Voting Machines and left-demonKKKrats have anything to say about it.
All of the above!
How about some of all three.
and for those who believe we need to elect republiCANT’S because judges...
your argument is invalid
Fixed it.
SCrOTUS = a ball-less sack of sh!t.
All of the above
Twenty short years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court took Bush v. Gore, a presidential election case.
Time to take Trump’s case a recall is in order things are going to hell at a high rate of speed China is breathing down out neck and ready for action.
All China Joe can say hey I got my mine.