It was a "GLORIOUS" 63 degrees yesterday & SUNSHINE (what is that bright, big ball of light in the sky?). Outside all afternoon, working in a T-shirt (woo hoo - Vit D upload!!!) cutting up ice storm damage. All the limbs that came down were huge - got everything cut off the fence, cut up what was in the yard, & took the smaller limbs off a huge pine limb that will need a chain saw to chunk up. Took 3 hours & I'm sore, but it's that good kind of 'satisfying' sore you get after a productive day of work. It's supposed to be upper 60's today & tomorrow - didn't haul anything away because the ground is so sloppy, but will do it tomorrow - hopefully, the ground will have dried out a bit.
My niece posted this & it definitely applies to our weather with 2 ice storms in a week & now balmy, sunshine weather for a couple of days. Everyone wants to PLANT something LOL!: