Posted on 01/17/2021 9:02:00 PM PST by Berlin_Freeper
The Atlantic doesn’t even work well to line a birdcage.
Chinese Communist censorship worldwide.
Nothing new.
I subscribe to The Epoch Times.
Much better than the Wall Street Journal, which has fallen into the liberal la la la la land.
The Atlantic doesn’t even work well to line a birdcage.
= = =
My parrot was getting constipated until removed it from his cage.
How queer, the first account to respond to his posted article on twitter is
“Tombstones For Trump”
Isn’t that a death threat? How utterly odd that Twitter is okay with that.
Maybe because it is our ONLY newspaper
Just another foreign mouthpiece.
I’m sure it works ok for a catbox liner.
I like the Epoch Times. I don’t always agree with every opinion, but they’ve always seemed to me to operate in the interest of individual freedom and freedom of expression.
Shen Yun dance troupe also stems from the Falun Gong. (How many ignorant liberals have paid to see them, because it was ‘fashionable’ to do so? and how many were absolutely fascinated?)
And What’s Wrong with trying to remember and revere the Chinese culture and history that existed before the devastation of the Communists?
The widow of Steve Jobs is involved with Atlantic Monthly.
Yes, she is a moonbat.
Not really.
Epoch Times awesome paper!
Even though I try to expose them to only the Travel and Sports sections, my birds are getting tired of the Washington Post.
Maybe I can find some other rag to buy every Sunday for that purpose, and the grocery coupons...
Tried it as fish wrapper but it’s so slimy the fish kept slipping out!
As someone who used to read the Atlantic many decades ago, I am astounded that it is now basically a glossy version of Mother Jones and the Nation mashed up.
Where’s he been? Does he think he has a scoop with this non news?
The paper is far superior than most American news outlets.
This is on there and it’s genius...would LMAO if Trump did it
What if we tell Trump that resigning and letting Pence be the 46th president for a week will screw up all the “46” commemorative merchandise that Biden bought for the inauguration? The petty bastard might just bite.
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