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To: reed13k

Market looks to be finishing flat across the board S&P slightly down, Nasdaq and Dow slightly up. All with less than a 0.2% change.

Twatter down ~3%, Fartbook down ~2% so back in line with where they were on Monday.

Global Markets were all up overnight between 0.25% and 0.95% with Hong Kong, Japan and Finland leading the way and the Europeans mainly on the lower side.

Military aircraft are still busy though only 5 tankers in the air at present - the rest likely back to base to restock.

Naval vessels continue to sit off San Diego/Los Angele and San Francisco in visible numbers on the west coast; while on the east coast a sole destroyer is still sitting off the Chesapeake entrance.

Overall the day appears to be one of status quo from the past few days ... you can tell a lot is going on beneath the scene but no part in the curtain to allow for prying eyes to really confirm or specify what is really going on. That just tells me our Boys and Girls in uniform are practicing great OPSEC.

Back to work for another hour or so and then maaaaaayyyyybee I can crack a bottle of Templeton 6yr Rye ;-p

4,258 posted on 01/14/2021 12:56:17 PM PST by reed13k (For evil to triumph it is only necessary that good men do nothing)
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To: reed13k

Overall the day appears to be one of status quo from the past few days ... you can tell a lot is going on beneath the scene but no part in the curtain to allow for prying eyes to really confirm or specify what is really going on. That just tells me our Boys and Girls in uniform are practicing great OPSEC.


Thanks for report and the above is why any “insider” that has “special stuff” to share I discount.

4,279 posted on 01/14/2021 1:24:55 PM PST by little jeremiah (Thirst for truth is the most valuable possession and no one can take it away from you.)
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