*Big Donors. (Who’s advertising)
*Big Mitch
*Big Insurance Companies
*Big Bank rates
*Big Credit
*Big Wal-Mart
*Big Amazon
“Makes my heart glad. Happy New Year!”
We are on the very same page in the very same book.
What does pro sports give to this world besides over paid narcissists who think they are important?
Do these overpaid morons playing kids games save lives like doctors and nurses do?
Do they teach our children the necessary skills to succeed in this world?
Do you know what 2020 has proven?
Professional sports participants contribute not one single necessary thing to our culture or our society.
We can easily do without them.
2020 has proven that we can live without all of them and do just fine.
Screw ‘em, and the miscreants they’re turning into millionaires.
That 10 million dollar home is gonna become a bear.