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To: Dr. Franklin

There’s no ‘Napoleonic Code’ issue here. Obviously!
How can anyone equate a straight reading of the Constitution to civic law is unfathomable LOL!

Just whether the Constitution means what it says or not.
You say “not”.

(Which, like “shall” and “all” hasn’t changed in meaning since our Founding.)

71 posted on 12/23/2020 5:57:50 PM PST by mrsmith (US MEDIA: " Every 'White' cop is a criminal! And all the 'non-white' criminals saints!")
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To: mrsmith
There’s no ‘Napoleonic Code’ issue here. Obviously! How can anyone equate a straight reading of the Constitution to civic law is unfathomable LOL! Just whether the Constitution means what it says or not. You say “not”. (Which, like “shall” and “all” hasn’t changed in meaning since our Founding.)

The Constitution makes clear that VPOTUS presides over the entire process of collecting and counting the votes. By statute, objections to his actions must be in writing, so no scenes from Crazy Nancy at the rostrum to what he does. So according to you, anyone can send a fake slate of electors to VPOTUS and each and everyone must be presented for a vote, even if written with crayon? No serious person would agree with that. Pelose could move to impeach VPOTUS for that, and it would be a badge of honor for saving the Republic.
72 posted on 12/23/2020 6:32:47 PM PST by Dr. Franklin ("A republic, if you can keep it.")
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