funny meme, but that would seriously be his reaction, too-
If there are no criminals, there can be no crime.
Supposedly we voted in Chesa Boudin as DA, who basically opposes any prosecution of crime at all.
I doubt we really did. It was a close election. They probably cheated enough to win.
Hopefully we will vote him out next time but who knows. I doubt the sanctity of the voting process big time now.
Burglary shot up by 42% citywide
Arson has gone up by 39%
Stolen cars saw an uptick of 34%
Homicides up by a 32%
Wait - these are still crimes??
Won’t be long ‘till this societal rot creeps in to the more exclusive areas of sf as well Hollywood, malibu, Beverly hills etc....its just a matter of time.
I thought owning cars was illegal in SF.
California is under total Democrat control.
Look at the place!
The populace plays the part of an abused wife. “Oh, our
Democrats will fix things soon.” They’ve been saying that
for 70-80 years. That’s how long the Democrats have
controlled the state Legislature.
So the Leaders hit us again. Some of us are pregnant. Yes,
they’ll hit them too.
Every four years (truthfully), and undeniably every eight,
we can divorce our leaders. So what do we do, we marry
another person just like the past.
They hit us. They kick us. They refuse to let us work. They
refuse to let us out of our homes. They prefer to keep us
barefoot and pregnant, dependent on the largess of the
Deep State.
California has it’s own brand. It’s full of urine and s-it,
power shortages, a refusal to let us work so we can feed and
support ourselves, any chance to go out and enjoy life...
Election day is coming. Oh please, can we marry another
cereal abuser.
So what will happen when a California citizen defends them self from these non crimes? Will it become a crime to protect yourself and your property from being broken into and or burned to the ground? Will it? Hell, it already is. The ploy: conditioning the patriots to not raise a weapon in defense of our lives and our country against those who will take it and those who are stealing it is the goal of these kinds of laws and the ruling elite who force them upon us.