She is raising money. Just started
one of the 1001 possible reasons for the legal clarification
I really started following her after the election and she never requested funds or donation on twitter or elsewhere so if she just started raising donations then that can explain a lot and legally it may be necessary to distance themselves but hardly would I put as her seeking money from the get-go. She never came across as a money-grubber and I don’t think she is now
She’s had a fundraising website for at least over a week.
She does NOT abuse that fact, in her many interviews.
I’m glad she does have a she’s fighting the fight, in the trenches, for the fate of this nation.
I’m happy to donate to that cause.
I gave and I rarely give to anything. I watched The Patriot today and I am ashamed that I live a good life because my ancestors were brave and risked everything for freedom. I risk being ridiculed or being called racist. I risk losing access to social media. I can give a little money to help fund or protect witnesses.